
Ride7 Version Release Notes 2019/08/06
Copyright (c) 1995-2019 IoTize S.A.S. All rights reserved.

Raisonance is an IoTize brand

Thank your for choosing Raisonance development tools for your microcontroller

These are the release notes for the Raisonance Integrated Development
Environment called Ride7. These notes include specific information about the
Ride7 software including current version, new features, fixes and known

IoTize S.A.S.
17, Av Jean Kuntzmann
F-38330 Montbonnot - France

Phone: +33(0)476418799
Fax: +33(0)476418168
Web: www.raisonance.com



SECTION 1 General information
A. Supported configurations/platforms
B. Supported toolsets
C. Supported hardware debugger/programmers

SECTION 2 Version history

SECTION 3 Known limitations

SECTION 1 General information

A. Supported configurations/platforms

Raisonance toolsets and Ride7 operate on Windows 10, Windows 8,
Windows 7 and Windows Vista (all 32 and 64-bit).
Other versions of Windows, including Windows 2000, Windows XP,
Windows XP 64-bit and Windows Server, are not supported.
Administrative rights are required in order to install this software.

Only native versions of Windows are supported. Emulators such as VMware,
QEMU, Citrix, Wine, Xen (or others) are not supported.

All software and documentation are provided in English only.

B. Supported toolsets

Ride7 depends on Raisonance toolsets (RKit) for functionality specific
to given microcontrollers, such as debugging, programming, compilation
or code optimization.
In addition to defining debugging and programming capabilities, RKits
include C compiler, assembler, linker and optimization tools.

Ride7 integrates control for the following RKit toolsets:
. RKit-51: For 8051 microcontrollers.
. RKit-ARM: For STMicroelectronics, NXP and TI-Stellaris ARM core-based
. RKit-C816: For Semtech and Electronic Marin C816 core-based
. RKit-PPC: For STMicroelectronics PowerPC-based microcontrollers.
. RKit-STM8: For STMicroelectronics ST7 and STM8-based microcontrollers.
. RKit-Cortus: For Cortus APS-based microcontrollers.

Microcontroller derivatives and hardware debugger/programmers support
depends on the RKit(s) that you have installed with Ride7.
For further information, see the release notes for your RKit.
Once you have installed an RKit, you can view the complete list of
devices and tools supported in Ride7.

SECTION 2 Version history

Ride7 (Released 2019/08/06)


. Updated editor to Scintilla 4.0.2
. Support of C++ .cc extension.
. Plugins are now available to all users. No license is needed to setup and use Ride7 plugins.


. Declared only functions weren't handled by the coloring syntax.
. Network files weren't loaded because one of the 2 leading back-slashes
used to be removed.
. Project pane:
- Folder menu was missing the 'Properties' item.
- Ask if build must be stopped before removing an item.
. Closing the project during initiale parsing used to crash Ride.
. It was possible to remove items in the 'Locals' and 'Autos' watch
views using the 'Del' key.
. After an application option change, it wasn't possible to use the
editor translate command.
. Find References result: Files with relative path weren't clickable.
. Reorderer tooltip on array variables to be C like.
. Avoid removing breakpoint when performing RunTo to a destination that already has a breakpoint.

Ride7 (Released 2017/07/10)


. Updated editor to Scintilla 3.7.5
. Watch lists can be saved and re-loaded.
. Added Step Over Assembler.
. Remove project from the Recent Project list, if unable to open.
. Watches: F2 can now be used to modify the values of the variables.
. Added a toggle button in the disassembly view toolbar to display jump
instructions in a different color.
. Support of temporary licenses.


. A debug session launched without make uses now same layout as a normal
one and doesn't mess it anymore. Sometimes used to end with a crash
when relaunching a debug session.
. Project manager: Do not display anymore code/data sizes for invalid
. 'Find References' doesn't display lines containing error or warning
with a different color.
. New Project selects latest used device.
. The 'Reset Layout' command isn't available anymore under debug as it
used to lead to a window mess.
. Flags with condition or counter are now saved between debug sessions.
. Such flags properly work on C lines that are associated with
multiple disassembly addresses.
. Fixed possible crashes in the Flag View using local menu when no flag
is selected.
. Corrected malfunctions in code address flag.
. Disassembly view display options saved between debug sessions.

Ride7 (Released 2017/04/12)


. Updated editor to Scintilla 3.7.4
. Improved support of the address operator (&) in watches.
. Ride7 isn't able to run some old RKits. Therefore when one of those is
found, Ride will display the About dialog box and quit.


. Missing project files stored in 'folder' weren't checked.
. View Trace: Fixed crash when double clicking on empty trace list.
. Locals display could lead to a crash.
. Keil project import doesn't add extra library path when not needed.
. Removed configuration management for 'editor' properties as created
configurations didn't lead to anything.

Ride7 (Released 2016/08/31)


. Updated editor to Scintilla 3.6.6
. Added method GetCodeCoverage to RideDebugger API.
. Updated "Working with debug sessions" documentation.
. Support of C++ extensions in 'Swap Header\Source'.
. Improved C++ support in Go to Definition/Declaration.


. A couple of crashes while playing with the monitoring plot view.
. Do not open both plot and graph panes when asking for one of them.
. Monitoring under simulation used to work "randomly".
. The crash report can now be sent using Outlook.
. Latest character fully visible while doing in place edit in memory/
code views.

Ride7 (Released 2016/03/23)


. Updated editor to Scintilla 3.6.3
. Added "Add to Watch" in Autos/Locals local menu.
. Tooltips in debugger now also display variable address.
. Added the "Reset range" in the watch local menu for arrays.
. Added "Copy" feature in the User Configuration Manager.
. Space views retain symbols and addresses in the search combo.
. Autocompletion isn't case sensitive anymore.
. Deep refoundation of the backward/forward navigation:
- the previous positions are available thru a drop down menu on the
navigate backward icon.
- go-back markers are dropped under the following conditions:
+ in case of search
+ in case of Go To Line action (Ctrl+G)
+ when a mouse-click moves the cursor 11 lines or more from the
current position.
+ opening a file drops a go-back marker wherever the cursor was on
the old file and drops another on the opened file.
. Go To Line and Find actions expand folded lines.


. Watches used to be limited to variables smaller than 1024 bytes!
. The different display formats, in watch windows, weren't taken into
account for bitfields.
. Corrected watch support of array when range changes in the source.
. The Save item in watch windows local menu wasn't able to save non
displayed values.
. In space views restore selected address, top address and number of
displayed data columns.
. Import Folder used to hang Ride if filter was set to single semicolon.
. File/Folder drag can now be interrupted with the escape key.
. Flag columns used to disappear (and never reappear) when reduce to
minimal size.
. Find (Ctrl+F) didn't scroll to the line with the found word when file
wasn't already open.
. Go To Definition/Declaration now correctly work when searched
identifier is within a multi-line macro.
. First new file in a new project didn't have syntax highlighting.
. Plugin toolbar refresh wasn't immediate.

Ride7 (Released 2015/11/23)


. Updated editor to Scintilla 3.6.1
. Added an option in Editor Preferences to display white spaces.


. An array with a non constant index used to break the Auto watches.
. Tooltips used to be blinking.

Ride7 (Released 2015/08/13)


. Correct blinking of data dumps with some hardware debuggers.
(regression of previous release)

Ride7 (Released 2015/07/08)


. Keil project import:
- added uvprojx support
- don't include assembly file in the build process anymore.
- improvement of the algorithm used to guess the device name.


. Don't reload anymore previous project when opening a new project with
a double click.
. Code View display on 1 column wasn't properly refreshed when no more
symbols to display.

Ride7 (Released 2015/03/24)


. A new 'Configuration Manager' available from Project|Properties dialog
box will let the user save a set of settings in a configuration file
and make them available when imported in other projects.
. 'Groups' could be associated with directories using 'Synchronize'
command. Ride7 will save the reference of the selected directory to
notify added or removed files.
. 'Auto Size' mode in 'data dumps' will calculate the number of
displayed bytes according to the size of the panel and the word size.
. When selecting a symbol in 'data dumps', the whole bytes corresponding
to the symbols are highlighted.
. Mouse Wheel zoom in 'data dumps' panels.
. 'Copy to Clipboard' data in text mode in 'data dumps' from the popup
. 'Paste from Clipboard' data in text mode in 'data dumps' from the
popup menu.
. Range selection in 'data dumps' with mouse Drag or Control Click.
Could be used to for Fill\Save range settings, or Copy and Paste
. 'this' support in the Auto watch view.
. Added import of Keil µVision 5 (*.uvprojx).


. It wasn't possible to change pointer ranges.
. Display arrays up to last index and not previous one.
. Some variables could be missing in the Auto watch view.
. Project with space on name used to lose their watched variables.

Ride7 (Released 2015/01/07)


. Improved support of C typedefs in watch display. A tooltip with the
'pointed' type can appear over displayed type.
. When setting a watch range it isn't possible anymore to set start
index higher than the last index.
. Corrected handling of breakpoints on C lines that are associated with
multiple disassembly addresses.
. Improved 'Fill\Save' functionality in disassembly view.
. Debugger now supports labels.
. Added 'Find References' under debug.
. No more support for Ride6 PDK (ExtPeri6.dll isn't provided anymore).


. Fixed bogus 'Code Completion' features when projects were opened
directly from 'Windows Explorer'.
. 'Ctrl + D' was sometimes deleting the current line before launching
the debug session.
. Fixed search using regular expressions.
. Corrected display after a range decrease that used to leave remaining
records (watches).
. Refresh of arrays in local/auto watches after a range change.
. Fixed crashes when using 'Plugins' dialog box.
. 'Run to Cursor' removes temporary breakpoints upon execution.
. Correct support for display of array items 0 and 1.
. Breakpoints set from Symbol List weren't automatically displayed in
the Source and Disassembly views.
. In some cases, the symbol address wasn't properly retrieved in the
Symbol List when toggling breakpoint, going to memory location, ...
. The Search References is now working in the Symbol List.
. Corrected toggling address flags in the Flags view.
. When a tool outputs "no error" it means no error!
. Corrected Find\Replace functionalities.

Ride7 (Released 2014/07/04)


. New command to sort project groups and source files.
. 'Watch' window popup menu displays the currenty selected format.
. More information in tooltips when hovering over keywords (typedef,...)
. Improved search functionalities.
. New editing navigation commands available from the main tool bar.
. Auto Watch window.
. Highlight of modified values in dump views, watch windows and
peripheral views.
. Generated makefiles also delete listings and dependency files.
. The current configuration could be directly selected from the main
tool bar.
. New Plugin script that increments a defined Build number at each build
of the project.


. Wrong display of number of items per line for data dumps.
. Various issues with project symbol database, auto completion and
'Go To Definition' feature. Please use 'Project|Clean' command to
update properly your project's symbols database.
. Disassembly view scroll bar up and down commands.
. Crash on empty projects.
. 'Locals Inspect': Properly retrieves variables in current lexical

Ride7 (Released 2013/11/20)


. New Project View popup command 'Generate Makefile': to create a
makefile for building the currently selected application.
. New building toolset 'Make file': to use a makefile instead of Ride7
build system.
. New Project View popup command 'Debug without Make': to start
debugging the application skipping the building step.
. New commands for the 'Build Log' window: toggle Word Wrap mode,
navigation commands.
. New 'Incremental Search' tool bar.
. New command 'Find References' to find all occurrences of a symbol in
the project.
. New 'Watch' window popup command 'Go to memory location': to highlight
the variable address in memory dump views.
. New 'Watch' window popup command 'Insert as a new expression': to
insert a new watch expression corresponding to the current selection.
. Improved display of watch expressions with additional information
including address and type of variables.
. Support of casted expression in the 'Watch' window.
. Support of C99 long long (64 bits) in the 'Watch' window.
. Ctrl+Double Click and Ctrl+Triple Click add the word or line to the
set of selections.
. New command 'Reset Layout' to reset the workspace layout to the its
default settings.
. New command 'Open header file' to open the header file
corresponding to the currently edited source file.
. New 'Autosize' mode for data views that recalculates the number of
bytes per row to fit the size of the view.
. New command for data views to hide or show the ascii values.
. Drag and Drop of directories in the project tree view will import the
directory files to the currently selected application.
. Linker output directory can be specific.


. Slow building process for projects with large number of files.
. Slow debug process when watching complex expressions.
. Missing titles for auto-hide panes.
. Autocompletion lists will scroll when mouse wheel spun.
. Incorrect highlighting in C++ lexer for continued lines.
. Incorrect styling by C++ lexer after empty lines in preprocessor
. Incorrect styling of inactive code in C++ lexer.
. Rectangular selection range after backspace.
. For C #include statements, does not treat // in the path as a comment.
. For C/C++, recognises exponent in floating point hexadecimal literals.
. C++ lexer fixes problem with inactive sections when preprocessor lines
contain trailing comment.
. Only display address of arrays in tooltips.

Ride7 (Released 2013/07/04)


. Graphical view for monitoring watch expressions.


. Fixed the bug of the remaining error indicators in the edited files.
. Fixed the bug of missing the first launch of RBuilder for RKit-STM8.

Ride7 (Released 2013/04/19)


. Monitoring watch expressions.
. New command to import a whole directory source files (Project|Import)
. New commands to expand or collapse the project nodes in the project
tree view.
. 'Find In Files' could search in the entire project files.
. The name of the currently selected application is displayed in Ride7
title bar.


. Fixed the bug of the current selection after building the application.
. Watched Arrays display is no more limited to 1000 elements.
. Debug Start command will automatically launch the 'Startup'
application, and not the currently selected application.
. Ride7 will no more change the filename case.
. The current directory would be set to the application directory when
running the link process.
. Watch was brocken when displaying a character with the value of 0x3C.

Ride7 (Released 2012/10/31)


. RLink USB driver is now signed (using KEOLABS certificate),
for easier Windows 8 installation (and more comfortable in Windows 7
and Windows Vista).
. Display function names in bold.


. Ride7 installer installation path can only be modified when no kits
are installed.
. Breakpoints used to be lost when files were edited outside Ride7.
. Refreshing of data was not activated in debug views just after reset.
. CCWrapper didn't generate a logfile due to a command-line error.
. STVD workspace import supports projects in different directories.


. Start replacing references to Raisonance by references to KEOLABS.

Ride7 (Released 2012/05/24)


. Improved reporting of RLink connection errors.
. Stability fixes for autocompletion system.
. Better pre-selected drive for installation on 64 bit systems.


. Fixed a bug in the displaying of options in RFlasher.
. Improved software stability.

Ride7 (Released 2012/04/06)


. Improved debug error reporting.
. Improved search capability in Data Dump views.
. In the "Watch" debug window, a range is now available for pointer or
array objects.
. In the "Watch" debug window, the format of the watched expressions is
now selectable.
. Improved the build error reports.
. Re-installation is now done by default in previously used directory.
. The Sentinel USB protection dongle drivers have been upgraded to
version 7.5.7.


. Engineering fixes that improve stability.
. Improved the "Find In Files" built-in utility using regular
expressions supporting "whole word" options.
. Peripheral register contents can now be manually changed during a
debug session.
. Correct displaying of RKit-C816 registration status.

Ride7 (Released 2011/10/07)


. Implement USB dongle serialization method.

Ride7 (Released 2011/09/07)


. The syntax coloring has been improved on assembler files.


. Remove some intermittent software crashes.
. Correct some (un)registration problems on laptop computers.

Ride7 (Released 2011/04/22)


. A new licence protection scheme has been implemented in Ride7 and the
. The Sentinel Protection Installer drivers have been upgraded to
version. 7.6.3, in order to offer Windows7 support.
. Extensibility has been redesigned in Ride7 and uses a new framework to
easily integrate user's favorite tools. It is now possible to add new
commands, toolbars, context menus to the IDE, launch any external tool
or JScript code. Several ready-to-use samples of Ride7 plugins (such
as CVS integration) are installed with Ride7.
. User-configurable post-link commands are now supported.
. Ride7 project manager and debug manager automation (script
controlabily) have been reworked and extended. Some examples show how
to use the automation system to generate automatic "Build reports", or
"Debugging Logs".
. Ride7 Autocompletion system has been significantly improved and now
supports JScript and C++ files. The edited files are dynamically
preprocessed to grey-out code that is inactive due to conditional
compilation, and highlight user defined types.
. Numbered Bookmarks allows users to create and recall bookmarks by
using numbers. User can create 10 bookmarks (starting from 0 to 9).
Bookmarks are saved in projects and could be used from one session to
. Edition "Block-mode" is now available. You could select a rectangular
region of text by holding down the Alt key while selecting a region
with the keyboard or mouse, then copy/delete/paste blocks.
. Improved popup menu of tabbed documents.
. Improved Welcome Page
. When a symbol in selected in the source code, all instances of that
symbol are highlighted in the document.


. Editor Settings (Options | Editor Preferences) have been reorganized
and improved with some new options. It is now possible to:
- Select to activate automatic indentation
- Select to autoindent or not opening brackets
- Select to autoindent or not closing brackets
- Select to gray out inactive code
- Disable code folding
. Project|Clean will no more delete project .lib files.
. Project|Clean will remove building info to enable a clean build.
. Improvement of command Editor|Toggle comment
. Fix of broken watch list from one debug session to another.
. Improved Autoindentation system.
. Calltips still active when typing function parameters.
. Undo is still available upon save.
. Empty Editor view upon save has been fixed
. Various engineering fixes.

Ride7 (Released 2010/06/18)


. User-specific tabulation sizes are now supported in the editor.

Ride7 (Released 2010/06/15)


. "Find In Files" Settings are saved and restored between two sessions
of Ride7.
. Editor Settings (Options | Editor Preferences) have been reorganized
and improved with some new options. It is now possible to:
- Change the editor background color.
- Display line numbers.
- Disable current line highlighting.
. During a debug session, a new command "Debug | Step Asm" will execute
a single step at assembly level whatever view is active.
. Choice for the Ride6 keyboard scheme or Visual keyboard scheme.


. Fixed crash when removing editor lines with breakpoints.
. Project components are reprocessed upon build in order to check for
missing files.
. Fixed problem of delay when opening "Add Watch" dialog box.
. Editor content is saved before toggling between "Hex Mode" and
"Text Mode"
. Dropping files on a group will properly insert the files to the
corresponding group.
. Reset of the local options will only reset the options for the
currently selected configuration.
. Syntax highlighting was sometimes erroneous for files opened through
clicking on an error tag.
. RFlasher7 automatically reloads the last loaded application upon
. Script timeout corrections.
. "Step" commands were sometimes erroneous when debugging Hex or Binary

Ride7 (Released 2010/05/25)


. Ride7 will automatically call jscript event handlers defined in
. Trace of expressions in simulation mode.
. Projects are now saved upon modification.
. Displays the number of executed cycles in simulation mode.
. Integrates 8051 development kit.

Ride7 (Released 2010/01/15)


. Some keyboard shortcuts were not availaible from the disassembly
. New scripting functionalities for automating Ride7 (build and debug
. A "Cancel Build" command is now available to force a failing build
process to terminate.
. When opening projects, Ride7 now checks for missing files and displays
a status information.
. Improved speed in handling big projects.
. include files are displayed only with the filename part.
. projects are saved before build.
. The editor will not change the order of the tabbed windows from one
session to another.
. It is now possible to compile a standalone file (not in a project)
directly from its popup menu.
. The user can build and debug a standalone source file without having
to create a project.


. The process of loading Binary and Hex applications has been enhanced.
. Script errors are now handled by Ride7 (not directlry reported to the
. Printing after a print preview could generate a system fault.
. RLink errors aborting the debug process could generate a Protection

Ride7 (Released 2009/09/08)


. Application Option|Directories|Include path does not change
the order of the path anymore.
. Project management: Opening large projects has been speed up.
. Changing a project directory could cause failures during project
build. This issue has been fixed.
. The display of union variables has been corrected.
. The display of peripherals data was not properly updated during the
execution of the application. This issue has been fixed.

Ride7 (Released 2009/07/24)


. Build speed optimization: The dependencies database has been optimized
so that build speed is better on large projects.
. The RKit was not functional if not installed in a directory wich
finishes by the \Ride\ component. The installer now takes care of this
specific requirement, and forbids installation in an unappropriate
. Three MFC dll needed were not installed.
. The installation file is not an .msi file.
We provide a .exe file so it can be right click and executed as
administrator when working on Vista. This avoid a lot of issues
concerning software activation and debug.

Ride7 (Released 2009/05/20)


. The installer technology has been improved, and is now based on Wix.
. The derivatives can now be selected in families/subfamilies during
creation of a new project.


. In some crash cases, the keyboard and menu configuration could get
lost, resulting in keyboard shortcuts to be unusable.

Ride7 (Released 2009/04/02)


. It is not possible to create a project with an empty target anymore.


. Ride7 has been enhanced in order to handle large projects faster.
. In previous Ride7 versions, system errors during debug sessions
(such as RLink disconnection) could leave some debug windows open
even after the debug mode was left.
. Fixed the management of some errors that could leave some memory
. Ride7 Installation was requiring some useless ODBC components, which
are not installed anymore.

Ride7 7.14.0001 (Released 2008/10/24)

. Syntax highlighting was sometimes disappearing. This has been
. When opening a file in the list of most recently used and the file was
nonexistent, Ride was crashing. This has been fixed.
. The trace pane has been rewritten to avoid some crashes when resizing.
The zoom in/out functions have been implemented.
. Display of arrays in the watch debugging pane has been improved for
better readability.
. The documentation files are now opened in an external instance of
Acrobat Reader, for better readability and ease of use.

Ride7 7.10.0000 (Released 2008/07/24)

New target microcontrollers:

. STM8S microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics
. ST7FOX microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics, including automatic
RC oscillator calibration using RLink


. Updated RLink driver allows operation on Windows Vista 64-bit
. Global variables are not initialized by default when using RKit-STM8.
Globals were initialized by default in previous versions.
. Updated STM8 (ST7) Compiler, Linker and Assembler documentation.
. REva v3 documentation.

SECTION 3 Known limitations

. RBuilder is not available for STM8 and ARM core-based devices.
. Ride7 does not support Ride 6.10 script files
. Ride7 does not integrate support of the Cosmic and Metrowerks STM8 or
ST7 C toolsets.

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