Topic : Build fails after installing Ride 7.20

Forum : Ride IDE

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May 24, 2009 - 2:34pm


Today i noticed that a new release of Ride 7 was available, and since previous versions improved
the working of Ride decided to download and install it.

The first thing i found was that the MSI installer now just complained about an other version being
installed en requested you to uninstall it via the microsoft tools.
Altough this only a very minor isue for the intended public of this tool i find it strange that in the
readme file you state :

Ride7 (Released 2009/05/20)

. The installer technology has been improved, and is now based on Wix.

The second thing is maybe a more serious problem:

after installing the 7.20 version i tried to build a project that i am working on and after compiling
the different source code files the microsoft error reporting came in view with the message that an
error occurred in DWF2XML.exe and that it had to be closed.

i choose not to send the error report to microsoft since in most cases this is a wast of time.

However after closing the message it came back straigth away.

Hidden behind the microsoft message was a message from Ride that a proces did not respond and
if i wanted to stop it.

Confirming this closed the Ride message window and also closed Ride.

Since this release was not going to work for me i decided to reinstall version 7.10 but after doing that
trying to build the same project gave an error message ''unknown program ld'' during the build.

After this execersise i tried to reinstall RKIT for Arm and that went on to uninstalling both Ride and RKIT.

When that was done i reinstalled RKIT for Arm and Ride 7.1 ( both the April 2009 versions) and now i
have a working installation again.

Ed van Rijn

Post Information Post
May 25, 2009 - 10:06am
Raisonance Support Team

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your report.
In practice it is always better to upgrade both Ride7 and the RKits on your machine, you might have encountered some desynchronization between both on this DWF2XML.exe issue.

Concerning your comment about the Wix installation I am not sure to understand. Our installer is not able to upgrade Ride7 (you have to first uninstall any previous version before installing a new one). Is this the limitation that you find strange?


May 25, 2009 - 9:09pm


Thanks for your answer, i will try to explain my report more detailed.

For the DWF2XML problem :

I only updated the Ride7 installation because your website says that RKIT for Arm is not changed,
the version mentioned is version 1.18.0903 and that is what i already have installed and the file
name to install that version is the same as i have on my system
So if the Rkit for Arm is changed also then you forgot to update the website and that fooled me.
I have been looking at your ftp site and downloaded an RKIT-ARM.msi file but i have not tried to install this
because as said i tought that RKIT was not chagend.
I will try this file later on to see if t's an neer version and let you know how it goes.

Concerning the Wix installation

Maybe i have to apologize for the wording of this, i was a bit sarcastic wich unfortunally is a incurable
habbit in my family.

I do not have a problem with first uninstalling an old version before installing a new one, if the uninstall
is done correctly than working this way can prevent a lot of problems that in the end can waste a lot
of your time.

What i meant is that with previous updates the installer first uninstalled both RKit-Arm and Ride and then
you had to start the RKit installer again to install RKIT-arm and then start the Ride installer.
With the Ride7-ide.msi file that is now on the website i got the message that i had to uninstall the previous
version and to do this i had to go to the control panel etc. to do this.
And altough not a big problem for most of us i did not think that doing it this way (forcing me to go to the control panel )
is an improvement.

Now i am typing this i see that the uninstall was done by the Rkit-Arm installer and since i did update Rkit-Arm
because i had the impression that it was not necessary it might be that this caused the problems.
So i will try to reinstall both RKIT with the .MSI file and then Ride and see what happens.

I will let you know how it goes.

Kind Regards,

Ed van Rijn

May 25, 2009 - 10:08pm


I used the RKit-ARM.msi i got from your ftp site and Ride7_IDE.msi that i got from your web site to update my system and
this solved the DWF2XML problem i had.
(i still have a problem with a library but that is reported in the ARM forum and is handled by Vincent )

The versions i now have are RIDE : and Rkit : so it looks like your web site is not up to date.

The new installers now tell you in what sequence Ride and RKIT should be installed and that is an improvement because it
takes away a possible error in the sequence.

However both installers tell you that a previous version version is installed and that you have to go to the control panel to uninstall them while the previous version of the RKIT installer also started the uninstall and altough not difficult i don't
think that these extra sidesteps to the control panel are an improvement.

Kind Regards

Ed van Rijn

May 26, 2009 - 10:08am
Raisonance Support Team

Hi Ed,

Thanks for these details. I'm glad to hear that your dwf2xml issue is solved with the version you installed.
We are about to release a new RKit-ARM very soon, which is why you may have found that our Web site is a little inconsistent. It should be cleaned up after the release.

About this uninstall stuff, we will check what happened, we should not distribute bare msi files. We have a launcher utility that takes care of uninstalling previous versions, we will check why this is not in the distributed package.


May 26, 2009 - 10:46am

Hi Ed

First I received your project so it is going to help us understanding the library issue.

Concerning install:

We had not noted that the dw2xml used with new Ride7 and previous RKit-ARM were not compatible.
We have build a lot of projects without this error so it might be a problem which only appear in specific project or a mismatch due to uninstall and reinstall.

The RKit-ARM.msi you have downloaded from ftp was there for partners to test.
It is not an official version so you can use it but keep in mind it is not something we delivered officially.
As Bruno said the release of RKit-ARM is to be done, we were waiting because we want to add surpport for ST0M32105 and STM32107 derivatives.

The software were not delivered with the same package (no setup ....) because we need to adapt the setup to the new install system.

I hope this clarify a little bit the situation


May 27, 2009 - 9:26pm


Thanks for the explanation, it indeed clarifys the situation.

For me this unoffical version works ok so i don't have a problem with using it.

I will update this system with the release version as soon as i see it on your website.


Ed van Rijn

June 8, 2009 - 10:55am

Just installed the newest version of Ride (From your official website) and the RKit-ARM
(Please make it so that the .MSI can uninstall old versions.. Add/Remove programs in control panel is so slooow on computers with many programs installed)
Anyways. After installation I get this error:

Running: GCC
\"$(RKitInst)arm-gcc\bin\arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" -MD -D_STM32F103VBT6_ -D_STM3x_ -D_STM32x_ -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -o -I "." -I "..\..\..\Library\stm32\FWLib\inc" -c -fsigned-char -D GCC_ARMCM3 -D useDFU=1 -g -O1 -ffunction-sections -mlittle-endian
Unknown tool: GCC

I notice that i have a ARMCC=D:\RIDE7\Ride\arm-gcc\bin environment variable?


June 8, 2009 - 10:57am

Btw I changed the filenames (which where correct) to

June 8, 2009 - 11:05am

Found a key called:
With the following subkeys:

LastTargetConfig D:\RIDE7\Config\Arm
RKitBin      D:\RIDE7\Bin
RKitHelp   D:\RIDE7\Help
RKitInc     D:\RIDE7\Inc
RKitInst   D:\RIDE7\
RKitLib    D:\RIDE7\Lib

Looks alright to me?

June 8, 2009 - 11:08am

Mhh wierd.. My Projects is not getting shown in the project window, either?

June 8, 2009 - 11:42am
Raisonance Support Team

Hi Henrik,

Thanks for your report.

This is a known limitation of our installer, which will be fixed in our next release.

The workaround is to install Ride in a path that finishes by a folder named "Ride" (*not* "Ride7").
For instance you should install in D:\Ride\ or in D:\Ride7\Ride\ or even D:\Raisonance\Ride\, but D:\Ride7\ will not work.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

June 8, 2009 - 11:44am

Okie.. Explains it.. I have always used D:\Ride7\Ride\
Don't know why it ended up in d:\Ride7\

June 8, 2009 - 1:15pm

Was not easy to get it to work.. I ended up manually deleting my RIDE7\ library after having uninstalled the RKit and Ride..
Now my application is gets errors when it links (changed application name to ):

 Running: LD 
 \"D:\RIDE7\Ride\arm-gcc\bin\arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -Wl,-T -Xlinker "D:\work\EmbeddedSW\Applications\DEX\\stm32_obj\.elf.ld" -u _start -Wl,-static -Wl,--gc-sections -nostartfiles -Wl,-Map -Xlinker "D:\work\EmbeddedSW\Applications\DEX\\stm32_lst\.map" -Wl,--warn-once  
 d:/ride7/ride/arm-gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: D:\work\EmbeddedSW\Applications\DEX\\stm32_obj\.elf section DISCARD will not fit in region RAM  
 d:/ride7/ride/arm-gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: region RAM overflowed by 3680 bytes  
 d:/ride7/ride/arm-gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: DISCARD has both ordered [`.ARM.exidx' in d:/ride7/ride/arm-gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/thumb2\libgcc.a(_divdi3.o)] and unordered [`.v4_bx' in d:/ride7/ride/arm-gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/thumb2\libgcc.a(_clz.o)] sections  
 d:/ride7/ride/arm-gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: final link failed: Bad value  
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
June 8, 2009 - 1:28pm

Im going back to the latest versions that works with my projects.. Do not want tospend more time to hunt for issues like this..

Looking forward to some new versions that hopefully works better than your last attempt..

Ps. Ride just got notably slower with this new version aswell. My old versions where:
RKit-Arm - 1.18.0903
Ride7 - 7.18.0903

June 8, 2009 - 1:44pm

Just noted that when removing RKit-Arm it says fail in the end, because Ride was not installed (uninstalled Ride first) - I got aware that this might be an issue when I tried to install the elder version of RKit and RKit install program complained that a newer version was already installed.. Uninstalling using the old version of RKit-Arm worked and with the versions of ride and Rkit mentioned above my projects works again..

June 9, 2009 - 3:47pm

Just like Henrik above, I'm running into the same problem using
Ride 7 -
RKit-ARM -

having spent most of the morning manually installing and re-installing my RLink Pro USB/Jungo(bleugh) driver I'm reluctant to start down-grading my tools to get compilation working again.

I notice that the REXRDR.EXE isn't present in C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Bin


UPDATE: I have a handy tool called YES.EXE that is something like this:

int main()
return 0;

and when I rename my YES.EXE tool to REXRDR.EXE in C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Bin everything seems to work fine. I'm sure I'm missing out on something but I've got my compiler back and right now that's all I care about...