Topic : Build, Make and Debug (Ctrl+D) on Ride7

Forum : Ride IDE

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November 29, 2010 - 8:35pm

I've got a strange behavior with Ride7; in fact first time I build a project, everthing worked like described in the handbook.
Making compiled the changed file, build compiled the hole project and debug compiled what was needed and started the debugger.
Suddenly the behavior changed: regardless which key is pressed, the whole project is compiled; it's just not a big problem, but it seems to be strange... I don't know, which switch I changed, but something must have changed...

System is Win 7, Ride7 V with Patch, RKit for Arm

Any suggestions?

Yours Kai

Post Information Post
November 30, 2010 - 9:24am
Raisonance Support Team

Hi Kai,

Lots of option changes trigger a rebuild of the project. This is generally not an issue, as the project options won't be changed very often. But if you have a large project which takes some time to build , you have to take car NOT to change project options, as you will need to revuild everything upon next debug session.

In case you think you have a problem (other than this one), we would need some more detail about the option that gives problems, and if possible you can send us a zipped project to reproduce the behavior in our Labs in order to examine it.


December 7, 2010 - 6:40pm

Hi, Bruno,
found another interessting thing, in fact that one project shows this behavior like described before, an another doesn't. Something caught my eyes there: the one, which compiles complete, doesn't show me the size of code and data in the project explorer's window (behind the application's name) after compilation, while the other does. Can this be helpfully to explore this behavior?

Regards, Kai

December 8, 2010 - 8:06am

Beeing glad too soon :( ..... loadad the former project again and now it shows the same behavior, again.... not even a big limitation, but sometimes annoying..... :mad:


December 8, 2010 - 1:41pm

... and just now found another strange thing: cant't activate dependencies or buid information above the explorer's window??

January 2, 2011 - 9:39pm

During the last week I found, that the "Project.xdb" has grown up to about 900MB.... experimentally I deleted all the files except the *.rprj- and *.rapp-files. Now it works.... and I did several changes and compile-runs. All works fine. Could this be the solution? What is this file for?
