Forum : ST7/STM8
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April 26, 2011 - 2:31pm
Hi, dear bruno,thank you for your suggestions. I have build all the files.this time when i want to loaded it in comes out the errors as follows: david li |
Hi David,
Does it work with the examples given with Ride (in the Ride installation directory, subdir Examples\STM8\REva\STM8S103...)?
Dear bruno,
thank you for your help.when i load the example files it can not work.the errors as follows:
'errror during SWIM entrance sequence:no response from the target stm8'
what is the matter?how can i do?
thank you for your help!
best regards!
As usual...
check version and configuration of software.
check connections, power, etc.
From your report I guess the problem is in the connection from RLink to the STM8, but to confirm that we need more information. (version of software, version of RLink and ADP, jumpers settings, target board schematic, etc... fill the form above please)
Best Regards,
Hi vincertC
I Had send you a email about my issues,please check it in' '
thank you for your help!
best regards !
david li
HI VincertC,
by the way the error type 'is opi driver error'and i have emailed you again .please tell me how to use the adapter,how to set jumpers!
best regards!
You must plug the SWIM jumper as explained in the doc (GettingStartedSTM8) and in several threads of this forum.
Note also that if you want to power the board from the RLink, then your board (every component) MUST be 5V-compliant, as the RLink only provides 5V power. Seeing your schematic I really doubt that it is 5V-compliant. You must check this before plugging the PW5V jumper, otherwise your board and/or the RLink might be physically damaged. This again is explained in the doc and other threads of the forum.
Please always check the doc and forum before asking a question here.
Best Regards,
hi vincertc
thank you for your quick demo powered by two 1.5v'Battery. in fact,the stm8s103k3's voltage supply between 2.95v to 5.5v.when i plug the swim(4pins ),it can powered the i do not use the external Battery supply voltage.but i found
that they are other 4 plug named "swim,pw-5v,Adapt,12mhz"i do not know how to use them.please givve me some suggestions.thank you very much!
best regards
david li
You must plug the SWIM jumper as explained in the doc (GettingStartedSTM8) and in several threads of this forum.
HI VincertC,
i am so sorry to interrupt you in the holidays,you are so kind to help you tells me i have send you a email and give a specified imformation about my errors.please check it .thank youvery much!
last may you have a happy holiday!
best wishes
yours david
"plugging a jumper" means that you connect the two points together using the little piece (called "jumper") designed for that.
For example on the picture that you sent I see that you have plugged jumpers "PW5V" and "12MHz". You must remove them and plug jumper "SWIM" instead.
hi vincertc ,
thank you for your reply,i have got it.thank you again!
best regards