Forum : ST7/STM8
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September 7, 2012 - 3:12pm
Hello, I just began with STM8 development using Raisonance compiler. I found nice documentation from Raisonance, but mostly from google search engine. |
The doc on the tools is installed along with Ride and RKit-STM8. You can find it here:
There is also a Doc pane that is available in Ride when you open a STM8 project.
Sorry your post was snipped. Please repost it if something important is missing.
I hope it helps.
Best Regards,
Thank you Vincent.
I found the documents in the \doc\
But seems this is not complete documentation.
For e.g. there is no "AN61:Bootloaders for STM8" within this documents folder.
This tells me that not all the documentation/Technicals notes are available within this folder.
Further to think about it, a local folder on my PC cannot be up-to-date with the latest documentation.
You might have written a new technical note after I installed RIDE. How do you convey the new document to me then? This means there should be a location on the website where all the documentation might be centrally available !!?? Can you please cross check and let me know.
Thank you.
The docs on your PC are up-to-date with the version of the tools that you have.
Most docs if more recent than your tools might not apply to them and could be more confusing than instructive if we put them on the web. So we put them only in the install.
Some other docs might be on the internet in the time between when they are written and the next release of the tools that includes the new docs, after which they should be removed from the web.
However, I admit that we have some cleanup to to here. We'll work on it, but for now you'll have to look at both places... Thanks for telling us.
Best Regards,