Forum : ST7/STM8
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October 14, 2009 - 11:42am
I have the following function: UBYTE ReadByte(UBYTE Addr) { // Backup Interrupt enable flag and disable interrupts retBool bSPIEFlag = SPIE; SPIE = false; RTCCS = IOALOn; SPIDR = RTC_CMD_Read | Addr; WAIT_WHILE(!SPIF); RTCCS = IOALOff; SPIDR; // Touch SPIDR to clear Flag before (possibly) re-enabling interrupts SPIE = bSPIEFlag; // Restore Interrupt state before returning return SPIDR; } the SPIDR = RTC_CMD_Read | Addr; assignment is moved to the start of the routine before the hardware CS line is asserted low. ; FUNCTION ReadByte (BEGIN) ; Register X is assigned to parameter Addr ; SOURCE LINE # 185 0000 B721 LD SPIDR,A ; Y is assigned to bSPIEFlag ; SOURCE LINE # 188 0002 4F CLR A 0003 0F2201 BTJF SPIE,?NXT_0004 0006 4C INC A 0007 ?NXT_0004: 0007 9097 LD Y,A ; SOURCE LINE # 189 0009 1F22 BRES SPIE ; SOURCE LINE # 191 000B 1706 BRES RTCCS 000D ?WHILE_0001: ; SOURCE LINE # 193 000D 0E2303 BTJT SPIF,?NXT_0005 0010 9D NOP 0011 20FA JRA ?WHILE_0001 0013 ?NXT_0005: ; SOURCE LINE # 194 0013 1606 BSET RTCCS ; SOURCE LINE # 196 0015 BE21 LD X,SPIDR ; SOURCE LINE # 197 0017 905D TNZ Y 0019 2704 JREQ ?NXT_0006 001B 1E22 BSET SPIE 001D 2002 JRA ?NXT_0007 001F ?NXT_0006: 001F 1F22 BRES SPIE 0021 ?NXT_0007: ; SOURCE LINE # 199 0021 B621 LD A,SPIDR 0023 81 RET ; Addr unsigned char (size=1). Register parameter(A) in PAGE0 ; bSPIEFlag unsigned char (size=1). Automatic variable in PAGE0 ; FUNCTION ReadByte (END) I am using the standard ST7 header that's distributed with the compiler, so SPIDR is an hreg. Re-declaring SPIDR as 'volatile hreg' makes no difference, but I guess hreg is already treated as volatile. Am I correct in expecting the compiler not to move the SPIDR assignment? Compiler command line: RCSTM8 COMPILER V2.25.09.238, COMPILATION OF MODULE RTC OBJECT MODULE PLACED IN Release\rtc.o COMPILER INVOKED BY: OBJECT(Release\rtc.o) PIN(C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\inc\ST7) PIN(C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\inc) WRV(0) ST7SET DGC(data) DLC(page0) OT(7,SPEED) PR(Release\rtc.lst) CD CO SB NOIS CD CO SB SMOB ET(CHAR) |
Bug fixed: volatile variable are moved anymore.
Fix will be available in next RKit-STM8 release.