June 10, 2011 - 2:05pm
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I can not enable extended addressing mode. I tried to enable the feature by uncomment the definition:
“#define PointerAttr_Far 2 /*!< Used with memory Models for code larger than 64K */ “
but it doesn’t work.
In both case:
#define PointerAttr_Near 1 */ /*!< Used with memory Models for code smaller than 64K */
#define PointerAttr_Far 2 /*!< Used with memory Models for code larger than 64K */
i found the same result. I can only write up to 0xFFFF of internal Flash memory.
I used examples taken from STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib_V2.0.0 : FLASH_ByteReadWriteOperation
Processor: STM8S207RB
RKit-STM8 for Ride7
Ride 7 Patch
Please help me, I spend so much time but without success.
Regards Marcin
Hi Marcin,
We successfully built the FLASH_ByteReadWriteOperation example from the STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib_V2.0.0. It works fine.
There may at least be 2 things that you must check:
- Ensure you execute the code on actual hardware, not in the simulator.
- The debugger "plays" with the flash lock/unlock, as it sometimes has to write to it. This may leave the flash in an unexpected state. You can run the example without any breakpoint, then manually break execution and check whether you successfully reached the end of the main() function.
Best Regards,
Hi Bruno,
Thanks a lot of your suggestions. Unfortunately I have incorrect results . Please try to test some modifications in FLASH_ByteReadWriteOperation example:
/* Define FLASH programming time */
/* Unlock Data memory */
/* Read a byte at a specified address */
add = 0xFFFF;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - this line produces good results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
add = 0x10000;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - no results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
add = 0x20000;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - no results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
add = 0x27000;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - no results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
Additionally I switch options:
• #define RAM_EXECUTION (1)
• Program model (project options) STM8LargeROM/STM8SmallROM
But without result.
add = 0xFFFF;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44);
Works ok
How do I test:
1 step
Compilation, download to flash, reset, reset, upload from flash to file.
2 step
add = 0xFFFF;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - this line produces good results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
add = 0x10000;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - no results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
add = 0x20000;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - no results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
add = 0x27000;
FLASH_ProgramByte(add , 44); - no results
val = FLASH_ReadByte(add);
Compilation, download to flash, reset, reset, upload from flash to file
3 step
Best Regards,
Marcin Wijata
Hi Marcin,
We reproduced the problem in our Labs.
The problem comes from the fact that in the FLASH_ProgramByte() function, the "PointerAttr" qualifier should be applied to pointers and not to the value.
The solution is to correct the ST library the following way:
*ALL* the functions from the library that use the PointerAttr qualifier should be rewritten as above.
Note that this limitation should be corrected in a future release of RKit-STM8, so that both syntaxes will be supported.
Best Regards,
Hi Bruno,
Thanks a lot of your help. The problem is solved.
Best regards
Hi All,
I was working on this problem all day on an STM8S, and while I did end up needing to do the change mentioned in this thread, with:
FLASH_ProgramByte(0x12345, 0xAB);
val = FLASH_ReadByte(0x12345);
void FLASH_ProgramByte(u32 Address, u8 Data)
*(u8 PointerAttr*) (u16)Address = Data;
I did not get the correct "val", while:
void FLASH_ProgramByte(u32 Address, u8 Data)
*(u8 PointerAttr*) (u32)Address = Data;
did give me the correct "val".
I tried this with different addresses over 0xFFFF and only the u16->u32 change gives me the correct value while running on the physical chip. I'm not too familiar with using these Near and Far addresses, but I have my compiler set to STM8S Large Rom, and my u8, u16, u32 types are identical to the ones in the the ST libraries.
Hope this helps.
You are right, of course. A 16-bit uint16_t address cannot hold a 24-bit addresss, it must be changed to uint32_t instead.
Actually the (uint32_t) cast should be completely removed from the code, as it is useless in this case.
Best Regards,