Forum : ST7/STM8
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June 10, 2010 - 4:28pm
Hi, is it possible to generate a compiler warning if an implicit conversion or typecast (promotion/demotion) is performed? Simple example: #pragma WARNINGLEVEL(2) void main(){ volatile unsigned int uiVar = 65535; //16bit variable // volatile to suppress optimizing volatile unsigned char ucVar = 3; //8 bit variable // volatile to suppress optimizing for(;;){ ucVar++; uiVar--; ucVar = uiVar; //Unintentional assignment of a 16bit value to a 8bit variable //I'd like to be informed that the MSbyte will be cut off. ucVar++; uiVar--; ucVar =(unsigned char) uiVar; //I really want to assign a 16bit value to a 8bit variable //and I know that the MSbyte will be cut off. } } Of course with standard compiler-settings no warning should appear, since demotion is part of C. But what if I made a mistake (shame on me) and assigned a 16bit value to a 8bit variable? I'd be glad if I could apply a compiler directive, to find more lines probably being responsible for errors. The gcc C-compiler has the "-Wconversion" flag. Is there something similar with the RCSTM8? Thanks, |
Hi DanZ,
This is a good input. We'll add this feature in the compiler, but this will not be in the next release (which is already under validation phase).