Topic : printf() on STM8S-Discovery

Forum : ST7/STM8

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December 15, 2009 - 11:53am


Is it STM8S-Discovery ( _officially_ supported by RCSTM8 compiler?

I have ported, using above-mentioned compiler, a working little test program from STM8128-EVAL/A (STM8S208MB) to STM8S-Discovery (STM8S105C6) where unfortunately this stop to work. In particularly printf() function don't work anymore. In first occurrence of this function micro "freeze" completely.

Under Cosmic compiler it works out-of-box but I just bought RCSTM8 and obviously I'm particularly interested to working with second one :-)

Could anyone give me some suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


Post Information Post
December 15, 2009 - 1:08pm

All the compiler knows & cares about is the chip - the details of the external hardware connected to the chip are irrelevant to the compiler.

In other words, if the compiler supports your chip, then it makes no difference to the compiler whether that chip is on a Discover board or some other board.

It is up to you, the programmer, to ensure that your software is correct for use on your particular hardware.

If printf is "freezing", I suggest that you check your UART code carefully.

Also check whether Raisonance's implementation of the printf library function - and any other low-level support fucntions - is correctly configured for the target...

December 15, 2009 - 2:45pm
Raisonance Support Team

Hi Alessio and Andy,

Actually there IS a problem with the STM8S105 putchar function: It currently uses the STM8 UART1, whereas the UART2 should be used instead (as it is the only available UART on STM8S105).

We only got some sample boards one week ago, and discovered the problem only then.
We ported the putchar to the STM8S103, but it will not be available until next release of RKit-STM8.

As a workaround, you can add an "stm8s105_putchar.asm file to your project with the following contents:

; Purpose: putchar function (for STM8S105 devices).
; Input:       A   character to print.
; Output:      A   the character written.
; Read only:   A, X, Y, BH, BL, CH, CL
; Modified:    -
; Notes:
; - In projects that do not use the (un)getchar functionality, some extra code
; can be removed from the present file. Just set the NO_UNGETCHAR macro to 1
; and unnecessary conditional assembly blocks will be removed.
; - If you do not want the '\n' (Line Feed) character converted to CR/LF, set
; the NO_CRLF_CONV macro to 1 and unnecessary instructions will be removed.
; - If your project uses the large model, using the RCST7 directive STM8(LARGE),
; functions will be called using CALLF, and will return using RETF.
; For the following code to work properly, you must set the LARGE macro to 1
; so that the proper CALL/RET scheme will be used.
; (c) Copyright Raisonance S.A.S. 1989-2009, All rights reserved.

;$SET(LARGE = 1)            ; Uncomment if you are in LARGE mode

;$SET(NO_UNGETCHAR = 1)     ; Uncomment if you do not use the ungetchar function
;$SET(NO_CRLF_CONV = 1)     ; Uncomment if you do not want LF to CR/LF conversion

    CALLF address
    CALL address

    ; Exports public symbols
    PUBLIC  putchar
    PUBLIC  ?putchar
    ; These publics are required for getchar

    ; Symbols for SCI registers depend on the target architecture
    USART_SR    DATA    05240h          ; USART status register
    USART_DR    DATA    05241h          ; USART data register
    USART_BRR1  DATA    05242h          ; USART baud rate register
    USART_BRR2  DATA    05243h          ; USART DIV mantissa[11:8] SCIDIV fraction
    USART_CR1   DATA    05244h          ; USART control register 1
    USART_CR2   DATA    05245h          ; USART control register 2
    USART_CR3   DATA    05246h          ; USART control register 3
    USART_CR4   DATA    05247h          ; USART control register 4
    USART_CR6   DATA    05249h          ; USART control register 6
    USART_GT    DATA    0524Ah          ; USART guard time register
    USART_PSCR  DATA    0524Bh          ; USART prescaler register

    ; Baud rate divisor settings (For 9600 bps)
    ; When using the 16MHz internal R/C clock, and HSIDIV divides by 8 (default)
    BDRATDIV1   EQU     00Dh            ; Baud rate divisor (depends on the CPU frequency)
    BDRATDIV2   EQU     000h            ; Baud rate divisor 2 (depends on the CPU frequency)
    ; Use the following settings when using w/ a 16MHz R/C clock undivided
    ; BDRATDIV1  EQU    068h            ; Baud rate divisor (depends on the CPU frequency)
    ; BDRATDIV2  EQU    003h            ; Baud rate divisor 2 (depends on the CPU frequency)

    ; USART_SR bit definitions
    TDRE        EQU     7               ; Transmit data register empty
    TC          EQU     6               ; Transmission complete
    RDRF        EQU     5               ; Received data ready flag
    IDLE        EQU     4               ; Idle line detect
    OERR        EQU     3               ; Overrun error
    NF          EQU     2               ; Noise flag
    FE          EQU     1               ; Framing error
    PE          EQU     0               ; Parity error

    ; USART Control Register 1 bit definitions
    R8          EQU     7               ; Receive data bit 8
    T8          EQU     6               ; Transmit data bit 8
    SCID        EQU     5               ; Disabled for low power consumption
    M           EQU     4               ; Word length
    WAKE        EQU     3               ; Wake-Up method
    PCE         EQU     2               ; Parity control enable
    PS          EQU     1               ; Parity selection
    PIE         EQU     0               ; Parity interrupt enable

    ; USART Control Register 2 bit definitions
    TIE         EQU     7               ; Transmitter interrupt enable.
    TCIE        EQU     6               ; Transmission complete interrupt enable
    RIE         EQU     5               ; Receiver interrupt enable.
    ILIE        EQU     4               ; Idle line interrupt enable.
    TE          EQU     3               ; Transmitter enable.
    RE          EQU     2               ; Receiver enable.
    RWU         EQU     1               ; Receiver wake-up.
    SBK         EQU     0               ; Send break.

    ; Character Codes
    LF          EQU     0Ah             ; Line Feed
    CR          EQU     0Dh             ; Carriage Return

$IF(NO_UNGETCHAR <> 1)                  ; This can be skipped if getchar/ungetchar are not necessary

; Flag for getchar/ungetchar SCI buffer full bit



    RSEG                RSG_BTM1_GETFLAG

FULLB_SCI:    DBIT    1                 ; Read bit indicates whether the buffer has been read


; Actual putchar function.
; Note that the SCI initialization is performed by this function upon its
; first call, hence it is not necessary to initialize the SCI elsewhere.
; For this reason, it is necessary to call putchar at least once before
; calling the getchar function, otherwise the SCI will not be initialized.

    RSEG                CSTDLIB


; Initialize the SCI if not yet done

    BTJT    USART_CR2, #TE, _convert    ; Jump to _convert if USART already initialized

    ; Load Default value into control registers
    CLR     USART_CR1
    CLR     USART_CR3

    ; Set baudrate to 9600 bauds @ 16 MHz
    CLR     USART_BRR2

    ; Enable Transmission and Reception
    BSET    USART_CR2, #TE
    BSET    USART_CR2, #RE

$IF(NO_UNGETCHAR <> 1)                  ; This can be skipped if getchar/ungetchar are not necessary
    ; Specifies that no char is in the getchar/ungetchar buffer yet

; Convert LF to CR/LF (to keep Hyperterminal happy)

$IF(NO_CRLF_CONV <> 1)                  ; This can be skipped if CR/LF conversion is not necessary
    CP      A, #LF
    JRNE    _emit
    ; Reentrant call to putchar
    PUSH    A
    LD      A, #CR
    BIBCALL _emit
    POP     A


    BTJF    USART_SR, #TC, $            ; Wait end of (previous) transmission
    LD      USART_DR, A                 ; Send the character to the SCI
;   BTJF    USART_SR, #TC, $            ; Wait end of transmission



This will ensure that your putchar works fine, hence printf will be ok.

Let us know if this fixes your problem,

December 16, 2009 - 12:07am

Bruno wrote:
Actually there IS a problem with the STM8S105 putchar function

Indeed - although that's to do with the chip - not the board on which it's mounted.

And it's not really a compiler problem - the compiler generates good code for the chip - it's a configuration problem in the support library.

Whenever one ports code from one chip to another, one should should expect to have to pay close attention to such details as these:
- are the correct ports/peripherals used?
- are they correctly configured?