Topic : Project variables

Forum : Ride IDE

Original Post
Post Information Post
November 11, 2010 - 12:05pm

I have Ride7 with compilers for STM32.
When specifying project parameters, I wanted to use the project variables (not the global ones, described in the registry), for example - the listing directory or the output directory.
In the help file for 'Setting Project Options' it says:
"Use of specific Ride7 project variablesis possible, for example $(CmdInput) represents the name of the file which is passed to the current tool. Ten very useful variables are: "
...and that's where it ends. No variables specified.
Where can I find which variables are available to me?

Post Information Post
November 15, 2010 - 3:29pm

This documentation should be corrected.

There are several methods that you can use to specify file paths in Ride7:

1. Use built-in predefined macros that are included in Ride7. For example:
$ (RKitInst) : Ride7 installation path
$ (RKitInc): Ride7 include directory
$ (RKitLib): Ride7 lib directory

2. Use Environment variables. For example
%TEMP% : will be replaced by the value of TEMP variable as defined in your environment variables

3. Use standard project settings. These settings are defined in projectmanager.config.
Some of these are:
$(ApplicationDir) : the application directory
$(ApplicationName): the application filename
$(IncDir): the include path as specified in (Application.Directories.Include Directories)
$(LibDir): the library path as specified in (Application.Directories.Library Directories)
$(OutDir): the output path as specified in (Application.Directories.Output Directory)
