Forum : 8051
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April 21, 2009 - 11:08pm
We are using a PSD834F2 with a FlashLINK in my Port Parallel with PsdSoft. 2)I have seen that there is RLINK, but will it work with PSD34F2? If so will have to buy one Thanks |
Yes, RLink works with all PSD devices, and with PSDSoft.
In fact the Raisonance software tools only work with µPSD devices, not PSD.
So for PSD devices you HAVE to use PSDSoft. Just make sure you have the latest version.
I don't know if it works with ulink, or if it is supposed to.
Best Regards,
I bought the RLINK.
I have some problem program my PSD.
I have in the same board one MAX7000S of Altera and one PSD834F2 of PSD - ST Microelectronics. They share the same 4-wire JTAG port ( TDI,TDO,TCK,TMS).
With the PSDsoft the Rlink Connect Test was Ok, the Target Connect Test was ok. But I have this error when I try to program PSD:
PSD JTAG-ISP Operations
PSDsoft Express 8.61 Copyright (C) 1993-2005 STMicroelectronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DATE : 04/27/2009 TIME : 18:56:59
Device 1 : ( 4 pins )
ERROR: Communication (0303)
Hint: Unable to read device ID for checking.
Please check that the device is correctly connected through the JTAG port.
Time elapsed : 1 sec.
I have my Altera in ByPass...
What am I doing wrong?
I have the latest version of PSDsoft. Do I have to update the software RLINK? Jungo 01/04/2004
Help Please.
No, updating the USB driver (Jungo) will not change anything. If you are able to perform the RLink Conenct Test, then USB is fine.
This is probably just a problem of software or configuration.
The strange thing is that the error that is reported should have been reported during the Target Connect Test. Have you changed anything between the test and the prog? (jumper, ...?)
You are using a PSD chained with another device. (or are they in parallel?) Are you sure you have defined the JTAG chain correctly? PSDSoft must be aware of the number and order of JTAG TAPs in the chain, the length of their IR registers, etc.
You say that the Altera is in bypass. How do you know/do this? This should not be done by you but by PSDSoft and RLink, thanks to your description of the chain. Can you please describe more precisely how you have configured PSDSoft? Can you send me your jci file? (you MUST use one when you are using more than a single PSD in the JTAG chain)
Best Regards,
I reinstall PSDsoft and install RLink driver that was in CD.
Now all its ok
Do you have a new uptade?
I'm glad to hear that it works.
There is no update for the RLink driver.
For PSDSoft, you should search on the website/forum, as this software is designed and maintained by ST.
Best Regards,