Topic : Questions about compiler

Forum : Ride IDE

Original Post
Post Information Post
October 12, 2021 - 5:01am
Rose Li

The difference between C++ IDE and compiler 1. What is the difference between the two? 2. What are the C++ compilers and IDEs? 3. Which one is used more in the enterprise? (In other words: if you want to prepare for a job in a year, which one is more appropriate for learning C++?)

Post Information Post
October 12, 2021 - 2:41pm
Raisonance Support

Thank you for your question.

Please note that this forum is for questions that are specifically about the RIDE7 integrated development environment. For general discussion and comparison of C and C++ languages and compilers, you'll probably want to go to a more general forum on that subject.

With regards, to Raisonance tools:

  • Our tools for ARM (RKit-ARM) support use of both C and C++. The compiler is the GCC compiler for ARM Cortex devices.
  • Our tools for STM8 / ST7 (RKit-STM8) support use of C. The compiler is our own Raisonance C Compiler for STM8 and ST7.
  • Ride7 provides a syntax highlighting code editor and supports both C and C++ depending on the tools set you are using (RKit-ARM or RKit-STM8)

For more information, complete documentation of all tools, including the C compilers is provided in the Raisonance software intstallations. You can download them for free  here...