Topic : RIDE & RKIT-ARM with Nucleo-based ST Link: is it possible?

Forum : ARM

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Post Information Post
January 2, 2017 - 10:04pm
John P Norair

I have an STM32L073RZ Nucleo Board.  I have some L1 Nucleo boards as well.  They contain an integrated STLink V2 debugger.

When I try to debug, I get an "unable to connect emulator" message.  Does STLink v2 actually work with Raisonance tools?  Are there any undocumented requirements (perhaps windows 8 maybe?).

Post Information Post
January 3, 2017 - 9:42am
Karol Merski


I am using STLink debugger from STM32F401 Nucleo boards and works well (Windows 7, Dongle Licence for RKIT-ARM).

What happens when you click on the "Connect to Debugger" button?

Connect to Debugger window

Best Regards

January 25, 2017 - 4:48pm
vincent choplin


Yes our tools can connect to STLinkV2. I just tested it on the STM32L07VZ.

There is no undocumented limitation regarding versions of Windows. But it is documented that XP and older versions are not supported... Which version of Windows are you using?

There are also some old versions of our software that only supported STLinkV1, and some even older that did not support STLink at all... Which version of RKit-ARM are you using?

It could also be a problem of driver. Does the STLink appear in the Device Manager? Did you try the ST software tools on the same PC?

Best Regards,
