Forum : Ride IDE
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February 12, 2008 - 2:26pm
Just giving your latest incarnation RIDE7 a go and have got a problem in setting assembly options. In version 6.1 I set the assembly options to; -Wa,-I./config71x,-I../../../Source/Cpus/StrX/Ride/Includes Which sets the include directorys for the assembler to use to find additional .include files. If I use the same string in ride7 from the command line output the ide is formatting the line to: -Wa,-EL -Wa, -Wa,-I./config71x,-I../../../Source/Cpus/StrX/Ride/Includes This puts whitespace after the 2nd occurance of -Wa, which the assembler does not like, there should be no whitespace only commas between arguments that are passed on, hence the include paths are ignored and my assembly fails. If I change the assembly option box to; Then I get on the command line; Do you have a workaround to get rid of the additional space between the 2nd -Wa, and the options ? Regards mark |
Ok so I have investigated this further using a command shell and trying it the old fashion way.
If I correct the syntax it still does not work.
If I replace the "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" and use the RIDE6.1 "arm-elf-gcc.exe" it recognises the directory paths and find the relavent files.
So if I go back and put the original syntax "-Wa,-EL -Wa, -Wa,-I./config71x,-I../../../Source/Cpus/StrX/Ride/Includes" in and use "arm-elf-gcc.exe" it works as well so somthing has changed in the "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe"
I have also tried to use -Xassembler but still no joy
-Xassembler -I -Xassembler ./config71x -Xassembler -I -Xassembler ../../../Source/Cpus/StrX/Ride/Includes
And I have trued the forward slashes as backslashes.
Okay, there was a small bug in the command-line generation. Can you please open the file "C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\config\ARM\AS.config" and replace the line 36 by:
I replaced
. Don't forget to restart Ride7 after this change...
That being said, it seems you used the "Additional options" field to add include paths. This should work (using the fix above), but it is not optimal. We take care of include paths on an application level for now, so if you click on your application node, you will see an "Include directories" field. Include paths must be separated by semicolons ";" in this field.
That fixes the -WA issue but the problem lies with the "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" not either passing or processing the -Wa only arguments. As I said in my 2nd posting I used a DOS command shell an put everything on the command line, if I use the "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" it dosen't find my include files, however if I use the RIDE6.1 "arm-elf-gcc.exe" it does.
It would therefore appear there is an issue with the "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe" command, nothing to do with the IDE
I'm doing as you said for the normal include directories that are used for compiling 'C' code but the other include paths are for the assembler and this is what is not working
if I replace the start of line 36 to use arm-elf-gcc from RIDE6.1 thus
I think the syntax "-Wa,-I./config71x,-I../../../Source/Cpus/StrX/Ride/Includes" is not always valid. It seems it is accepted by the GNUARM compiler arm-elf-gcc.exe, but it does not seem a standard syntax to me. I would suggest using the Include Directories fields instead. They are applied to the compiler and to the assembler as well.
Have managed to resolve the problem, it was down to the ordering of the include directories which for whatever reasion worked with the arm-elf-gcc compiler but does not with this one. Now I have got the include search order correct it now finds all the files and correctly assembles the assembly files. I have also being able to remove the assembler specific directories as well.
Thanks for your help
Regards Mark