Topic : Ride7 / ARM: Slow editor update

Forum : Ride IDE

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January 23, 2009 - 6:17pm

Ride7 / ARM seems to be slow refresh files to the editor. When project is opened it takes a while to show all the file panes in the editor window. There's an 8 sec delay in opening any file. At the end of a build, the Tool hangs around for about 40secs before returning control to the user.

It's so slow that I often close most edit panes before doing a build.

Has anyone else seen this, or is it just my installation / XP?

regards Steven Pruzina

Post Information Post
January 26, 2009 - 9:49am


We did not noted this behaviour yet, we will study this point.
Can you check that there has not been a problem with Ride7 data base files.
To do so: remove files with extension .mdb; .standard.xml wwhich shouold be in the same folder than your project.


January 26, 2009 - 5:23pm

Hi Matloub

I removed the .mdb and .xml files and rebuilt the project with about 10 files open for editing. It was faster (10 secs) to return control to the edit window after the build. However, the build remakes the files which were removed and the delays on subsequent builds were just a long (30secs) as before the .mdb / .xml files were removed.

So it looks like these files do slow things up.

regards Steven

February 2, 2009 - 10:36am


I have updated my Ride7 version to "BN27" and the compilation is very very slow.
I deleted old file ("*.mdb, *.standart.xml").
When executing the compilation command with cmd.exe, the file compilation is normal.
Ride7 take 100% of CPU when compiling.
