Topic : S7ULTRALIE and Rlink Problems

Forum : ST7/STM8

Original Post
Post Information Post
May 17, 2007 - 10:33am

Hello, we are using a evaualtion board from ST: Steval-ILL004V2, is a phase control dimer. The CPU is ST7LITEUS5.

I´cant comunicate with Rlink, all the signals are correct : Reset, Vss, ICCCLK, ICCDATA, CLKIN, VDD and the LED from Rlink are: PWR on, Busy on (when try to comunicate), Run off.

I like to work with Visual develop from ST7 Version 3.3.3, and after chose the right CPU the following message is show:
"ERROR 41607: chip not responding check MCU selection, clock, Power supply, ICC connection and ICC signal voltage"
I change the cpu for other new chip (thinking in chip defect) but the same.

After that I try to comunicate also with RIDE (BN 746) . I chose "Option" - "Debug" - "Real machine" . "Rlink" - "Advancved options" (ST7LITEUS5) , "ignore option bits" is selecteed. and followings answers:
"Conect Rlink and read serial number: Successfull connection to Rlink: Serial Number dngStd004002281 Firmware Version: 0.0.3 "
"Read tarjet option bytes: Communication error: Timeout error sending on USB: WDU_Transfer() failed: error 0xc0000005 ("HC status:Device not responding")"

Somebody can help me?

Post Information Post
May 21, 2007 - 11:23am
Raisonance Support Team


I don't have this board here, so I cannot try it.

The schematic looks OK, but you should remove "jumper 4" for programming and erasing. Have you done that?

I will ask my contact at ST to try to get one of these and test the RLink on it or send it to me.

Best Regards,


May 21, 2007 - 3:33pm
Raisonance Support Team


I looked at the schematic some more and asked ST.
you should remove jumpers 4 and 5, and make sure that switch S2 is NOT connecting pin 3 to pin 1 or 2.
And of course, do not push buttons S1 and S3 when programming or erasing.

Please also check the target board power.

Do you get a message from RIDE asking you to disconnect the target power while keeping the RLink connected?
If yes, have you done what it asks?
If no, then maybe you don'ty have the latest version of the software. Please check ("help"->"About") that you are using RIDE BN746-P1-P2 or BN746-P1-P2-P3. If not, then please download the update from our website.

We're still trying to get a board to try ourselves...

Best Regards,


May 25, 2007 - 5:42pm

Ok thank you, the switches are correct:4 and 5 are open, S2 is open and push buttons are inactive.
Im power the board with external 5 VDC (for avoid to conect 220 Vac referenced to Ride - computer) and I have +4.91 Vdc in pin 1 of Ulite chip
Yes, I have the message for disconect the power to the board, and I do it and after one second I have the following error:
Error reseting in ICC mode: Not responding from the device
I have Ride version BN746 P1-P2

June 4, 2007 - 5:09pm
Raisonance Support Team


This discussion is continued on the ST support forum:

For all forum users: The Raisonance and ST support teams are in contact every day, so it's usually useless to ask the same question in both forums. And if you do it anyway, please mention it in your posts and give a link.

Best Regards,
