Topic : Small bugs that annoys me from time to time, and a feature request.

Forum : Ride IDE

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February 9, 2010 - 9:38am

While the latests release of Ride adds some nice things. There still are few bugs that are small but rather annoying:
1. When adding a new source file by drag and drop, the file is placed in the "blue" highlighted folder, not where the mouse drops the file.
To recreate. Create a project with two folders. Drag a file to the folder that is NOT highlighted by blue.

2. Projects are not saved automatically when they change. I just spent the most part of an hour setting up a project.. Since it have been a while I forgot to save regularly and as I added a custom startup file (selected a .c file by mistake) RIDE crashed horribly.. When I started up my project it was empty!

Then I have a feature request (Don't know if it is possible to do) - I would like to be able to start the incircuit debugger without erasing the flash - Or atleast where it only erase part of the flash.. I have some battery operated devices, where it would be nice to be able to start the debugger after they have been running for some time.. They save data in unused parts of the flash and using the debugger would be an easy way to check the state of them.


Post Information Post
February 10, 2010 - 9:00am

Thank you for sending us this remarks, we will investigate and correct the bogus behaviors of Ride7.

Please do not hesitate to send us the error reports when a crash occurs. It could contain valuable information to find the errors.

Concerning the debug session without erase mode, this feature is programmed to be added in the coming versions of Ride7.

Best regards,

February 16, 2010 - 11:48am

Thanks - Looking forward to be able to start the debugger without overwriting flash!

Another issue with the editor that seems to be persistant is that something. I think its comments exend past the right boarder (because it is worse on my notebook with lower resolution) cause the code highlighting to disappear until you, make a change to the file and save it again..
Sometimes the "code folding marks" also show up on every line, even though no valid folding (comments or brackets) exists.
Lastly it would be very nice if you had someway of knowning if a variable's current value is valid or unknown. I have the feeling that sometimes the variable watch updated is attempted, but fails and a variable is shown as 0xFF - Even though the value 0xFF is impossible..

However now that I have used the new version some more, I must say that I am happy the debugger have improved quite a lot in stability since last release.. Keep up the improvements!! It sometimes still crash or loose connection to target when you unfold a larger array while the processor is running..

We have 3 RLink Pro licences and we use them almost 24/7 these days.. So I think we hit most of all the issues that exist, hehe..

