Topic : Timer - One Pulse Mode

Forum : ST7/STM8

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Post Information Post
February 2, 2011 - 10:28am

Hi everyone,

I work on STM8S105... and STM8 Discovery

The story:
I would like to do 2 signals with the same duty cycle but with different phase (180°).
So I use an OPM on TIM1_CH2 and a second on TIM2_CH2.
Also, I use a trigger input TIM1_CH1 (for OPM tim1) and the same trig on TIM2_CH1 (for OPM tim2).

This programme work on TIM1 but it doesn't work on TIM2 !!!

So, I try to do a unique OPM generator using TIM2_CH2 with a trigger on TIM2_CH1 but It doesn't work !!!

Is there anyone had work on this subject ?

Code with TIM3:




/* TIM3_CCxCmd */
TIM3->CCER1 |= (u8)TIM3_CCER1_CC1E;

/* TIM3_SelectOnePulseMode */
TIM3->CR1 |= (u8)TIM3_CR1_OPM;

/* TIM3_Cmd */
TIM3->CR1 |= (u8)TIM3_CR1_CEN;

Thank you and best regards,