Forum : ARM
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February 7, 2011 - 2:19pm
Hi there. I've got a problem with the Ride7 compiler. This is version: with the patch and my question is, why do I get compiler error on an older project all the time? The examples works ok, but this annoying warning keeps coming! And it show another undefined reference to '__RESETPREMASK'. I presume that it has something to do with STMF103.c ? And the chip is a STMF32F103VBT6 from STM :o) Thanks, Slynge |
Hi Slynge, Can you download the latest RKit-ARM version from this site. Just cliick on Product Downloads. After install and activation, check if the problem persists? If this is the case, please send us a zipped archive containing your whole project, so that we can reproduce the problem in our Labs. Regards,
Hi Bruno.
Thank you for the quick response. I did as you proposed, and downloaded the software once again. I forgot to mention, that I'm using win 7. After I downloaded the software and installed it, I can't see any configurations for the project? That is, I can't see the processor type nor anything else. And now it won't compile at ALL :( .. It just says "Build failed".. And another issue, it didn't install the Examples library and other libraries??
It's a weirdo of our tools: You probably forgot to install the RKit-ARM. Ride7 is just the environment, but requires a RKit in order to properly work.
Go back to our download page and install the RKit-ARM.
Hi Bruno. Thank you for your answer. OK i've installed what we talked about: the new version of Ride7 with the patch and RKit-ARM. But I still encounter the same problem, 'undefined reference to: ' so I've emailed you the project file to the Raisonance support email address and ask you not to export our project file to others. Best regards, Simon
I forgot to mention, that the project compiles nicely under the same enviroment (Windows 7, Ride7) but on a desktop. I'm using an Acer (Travelmate 4230). And here's the same post from : <Broken Link> Thanks, Slynge
Hi Guys
I have the same error, could you please suggest a solution.
undefined reference to `NVIC_Init'
O and I downloaded the new Ride and Arm-kit today, the problem started after that, I haven't worked on the project in a few months, was working fine on the older version of the compiler.
@charlvz: Can you check that the examples provided with Ride work fine?
I guess you forget to include the misc.c file from the ST libraries (CMSIS file). This should fix the problem.
Best Regards,
Hi Bruno
I copied the demo project in the Examples\ARM\ST\STM32Lib-v203 directory to my workspace with the libraries folder, and then just loaded my own main file and include files in, and it worked. The problem was something with the include directories.
Adding misc.c to the project solved the problem for me. Thanks!