Q: Which compiler is included in RKit-ARM? How is it tested ?
A: We only distribute the GCC compiler, which ARM make and test extensively before releasing.
This compiler is in open source. Since ARM took over the maintenance of GCC for ARM, this compiler is improving quickly and reliably, which is good on the whole but does have a few drawbacks.
Changing the version of a compiler (GCC or not, open-source or not, for ARM or for any other architecture) is never a transparent operation, and you cannot expect it to be a 5-minute reinstall and on you go with your old projects. Changing the compiler takes time and care. Don't do it when you are in a hurry.
Have a look at RKit-ARM 1.54 - Migrating from GCC-ARM 4.6.x to 4.8.3 before using an old project with a new version of GCC.