Topic : how can i make seconds?

Forum : 8051

Original Post
Post Information Post
May 17, 2007 - 2:56pm


I wanna make a project to show seconds ( after that i will make a clock )
the problem is I can't find the right way to make seconds. ( I'm using an AT89C2051 controller)

This is my simple program :

void Show(int J) {    // show seconds on two displays ( 7seg)
 char unsigned I=0;
 if (J > 99) { J=99; }
 while (J >= 10) {
 J = J - 10;
 } // show result
 if (I<0) {I=0;}
  if (I==0){P1_3=0;P1_2=0;P1_1=0;P1_0=0;} 
  if (I==1){P1_3=0;P1_2=0;P1_1=0;P1_0=1;} 
  if (I==2){P1_3=0;P1_2=0;P1_1=1;P1_0=0;} 
  if (I==3){P1_3=0;P1_2=0;P1_1=1;P1_0=1;} 
  if (I==4){P1_3=0;P1_2=1;P1_1=0;P1_0=0;} 
  if (I==5){P1_3=0;P1_2=1;P1_1=0;P1_0=1;} 
  if (I==6){P1_3=0;P1_2=1;P1_1=1;P1_0=0;} 
  if (I==7){P1_3=0;P1_2=1;P1_1=1;P1_0=1;} 
  if (I==8){P1_3=1;P1_2=0;P1_1=0;P1_0=0;}
  if (I==9){P1_3=1;P1_2=0;P1_1=0;P1_0=1;} 
  if (J==0){P1_7=0;P1_6=0;P1_5=0;P1_4=0;} 
  if (J==1){P1_7=0;P1_6=0;P1_5=0;P1_4=1;} 
  if (J==2){P1_7=0;P1_6=0;P1_5=1;P1_4=0;} 
  if (J==3){P1_7=0;P1_6=0;P1_5=1;P1_4=1;} 
  if (J==4){P1_7=0;P1_6=1;P1_5=0;P1_4=0;} 
  if (J==5){P1_7=0;P1_6=1;P1_5=0;P1_4=1;} 
  if (J==6){P1_7=0;P1_6=1;P1_5=1;P1_4=0;} 
  if (J==7){P1_7=0;P1_6=1;P1_5=1;P1_4=1;} 
  if (J==8){P1_7=1;P1_6=0;P1_5=0;P1_4=0;}
  if (J==9){P1_7=1;P1_6=0;P1_5=0;P1_4=1;} 

void main() {
 float I;
 while (1) {
 Show(I/4070); // To get seconds, each second will be shown

everything works, but the number 4070 doesn't corresponds correctly with seconds.

I hope u can help me out. Thx


Post Information Post
May 18, 2007 - 2:31pm

everything works, but the number 4070 doesn't corresponds correctly with seconds.
I do not see the number 4070 in the scribbles (nothing without comments desrve to be called 'code') you show.

I hope u can help me out. Thx
Since you specifically hope 'micro' (u) can help you, I will not interfere.


May 18, 2007 - 6:20pm

erikm wrote:
everything works, but the number 4070 doesn't corresponds correctly with seconds.
I do not see the number 4070 in the scribbles (nothing without comments desrve to be called 'code') you show.

I hope u can help me out. Thx
Since you specifically hope 'micro' (u) can help you, I will not interfere.


hi there,

I mean the formule : Show(I/4070); I can get close to seconds, but I don't know how you make perfectly seconds.

the 'u' is simply intend for someone who knows more.

regards, Phil

May 21, 2007 - 11:29am
Raisonance Support Team


For getting precise seconds, you cannot rely on a counting loop, especially if it is written in C. You'll have to use a timer. (and for a clock you might want to use an external 32KHz oscillator too.)

You can use the RTOS to easily configure the timer. (not the 32K) Look at the examples in "C:\RIDE\EXAMPLES\8051\GENERAL\RTOS\...".
If you don't want to do that, then you'll have to configure the timer by hand... but here is not the place to learn how to do this.

Best Regards,


June 17, 2007 - 5:29am

Hi Guys,

I have worked with the PIC microcontrollers, now Iam having a try with the silicon Labs 8051C35x series of micro. I have down loaded the demo version of the IDE & compiler. Usually the PIC compilers i have used have software delay loops as library functions to generate not so accurate but fairly good enough delays for us(micro seconds), ms & seconds. We declare the clock freq in the pragma command & the compiler generates the necessary code for the delays. example delay_ms(200);
do we have such lib in raisonance compiler?


June 18, 2007 - 9:43am
Raisonance Support Team


Yes, there is the RTOS (KRX) that can do this. Please look in the documentation for more information on KRX.

Best Regards,


June 18, 2007 - 5:48pm

the 'u' is simply intend for someone who knows more.

about WHAT? Stupid Monkey Shit (abbreviated: SMS)?
