Topic : uPSD Interrupt issues

Forum : 8051

Original Post
Post Information Post
April 11, 2007 - 3:21pm

I am attempting a simple interrupt routine for a uPSD3333, but cannot get it to work. I have set up registers with the following information:

RCAP2H = 0xFF;//Sets baud rate at 115200
RCAP2L = 0xF5;//for both UART0
T2CON = 0x34; // sets timer 2 for both R/T baud rates
SCON0 = 0x74;
IE |= BIT_7;//Enable Global Interrupts (all Interrupts)
IE |= BIT_4;//Enable Interrupt for UART0

I also created an ISR routine:
void uart() interrupt 4

to take in inputted information and echo it out (also clearing the RI and TI bits). For whatever reason, I can view the SFR register to verify that everything is set up correctly, but it does not hit the ISR. Also, the Interrupt Controller (in Debug Mode) shows that the ISR for UART0 is not enabled.

I would also like to get UART1 working along the same lines - also using Timer2. Anyone know if this is possible?

Post Information Post
April 24, 2007 - 5:23pm


Are you using the simulator, or your hardware target board?
Some peripherals of the uPSD devices are NOT simulated, and the problem could be with the simulator only.
