Topic : RIDE 8051 / SiliconLabs - RIDE quits when told to load hex to target

Forum : 8051

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March 15, 2007 - 10:03pm

A project I've been working won't load to its Silicon Labs target via JTAG. Instead RIDE quits when the 'Start' Ctrl-D command is issued. The hex file will load fine via the 'Load' command Ctr-L. Other projects will load to the same target using Ctrl-D.

This has happened before and I got round it by recreating the project from the ground up. Same files, same locations, same build. This leaves the project file as suspect. What's the best way to proceed. I would rather fix up the current project than remake it.

RIDE is BN746-51

regards Steven Pruzina

Post Information Post
March 16, 2007 - 1:42pm

Such problems could be caused by some inconsistent debugging information contained into the ".wmc" or ".dbi" (more rarely) files. Removing these files could be a faster way than rebuilding the project.

March 16, 2007 - 4:01pm

I did delete the .wmc and .dbi files and build clean. This didn't help; RIDE still quit on a download

What worked was to remake the project (.prj), starting from an existing similar .prj. The remade project is pretty close to the original. I'm emailing the 2 .prj files. Please Diff them and see if anything stands out.


March 27, 2007 - 3:23pm

This topic has been continued by email.