Topic : MSC1210_LOADER tool is in use

Forum : 8051

Original Post
Post Information Post
September 25, 2007 - 12:24pm

I used to be able to modify the settings on tools, for example the loaders download speed.
Now if I can only edit setting (Options->Tools->Edit) if I have not used the tool before.

If I have used the tool (downloader) then I get the message:
"This tool is in use in the project. It could not be modified!"

If I delete the project file and recreate project then all I can change settings.
Once I use the tool I cannot change settings again.
Thats a pain.

Not sure what has changed. File permissions seem OK.

Post Information Post
September 25, 2007 - 1:30pm

You cannot modify the tool because it is active in the current opened project. You don't have to delete the project, simply close it before modifying the tool. Then open it again and test your modifications !
