Topic : RIDE printf() in systems without 8051 external RAM

Forum : 8051

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Post Information Post
January 9, 2008 - 6:59pm

When a small-model application runs on an 8051 which has only internal RAM, i.e 256 bytes, printf() prints only the format text, no numbers:

printf("Hello"); -> Hello
printf("Hello %d", 1234); -> Hello 0
printf("%d"); -> 0

I presume this is because printf() needs xram for it's format stack. Is this true? If, so, any way round it?

regards Steven Pruzina

Post Information Post
January 10, 2008 - 5:30pm

This does printfs() on small and tiny systems. No format stack required.

| 8051 Small-Model Printf()
| Small RAM footprint, no print buffer. No floating point. Format string
| 255 chars max.
| Copyright Pruzina 1/9/08

#include "common.h"
#include "c8051_firm.h"

| putch()
| For Silabs C8051, UART0

PRIVATE void putch(U8 ch)
TI0 = 0;
SBUF0 = ch;

PRIVATE BIT wrZero; // When set, write a '\0' for 0 when parsing a number
PRIVATE BIT isSigned; // The current 16 bit number is signed

| nibbleToASCII()
| Convert 0x00 -> 0x09 to '0' -> '9'; convert 0x0A to 'A'; anyhting else becomes '\0'.

PRIVATE U8 nibbleToASCII(U8 n)
return (n > 0x0A) ? '\0' : ((n == 0x0A) ? 'A' : n + '0');

| wrHexASCII
| Write byte 'n' as uppercase Hex ASCII

PRIVATE void wrHexASCII(U8 n)

| wrHex16
| Write word 'n' as uppercase Hex ASCII, prefixed by '0x'

PRIVATE void wrHex16(U16 n)

| getPwr10

PRIVATE U16 CONST powersOf10[] = {1,10,100,1000,10000};

PRIVATE U16 getPwr10(U8 pwr) { return powersOf10[pwr]; }

| wrU16Rem
| Print the 1's, 10's or 100's etc of 'n', depending on 'pwr'. Return the remainder
| after the printed portion has been subtracted.
| E.g if 'n' = 4721 (decimal) and 'pwr' = 3 (1000's), then print '4' and return 721.

PRIVATE U16 wrU16Rem(U16 n, U8 pwr)
U8 q;

q = n/getPwr10(pwr);

if(q || wrZero)
putch(q + '0');
wrZero = 1;
return n - (q*getPwr10(pwr));

| wrU16
| Print unsigned decimal

PRIVATE void wrU16(U16 n)
wrZero = 0;
wrU16Rem(wrU16Rem(wrU16Rem(wrU16Rem( wrU16Rem(n ,4), 3), 2), 1), 0);

| wrS16
| Print 'n' as decimal, signed or unsigned.

PRIVATE void wrS16(S16 n)
if(n < 0 && isSigned)
n = -n;

| tprintf
| Prints just integers (signed, unsigned or hex) and strings

PUBLIC void tprintf(U8 CONST *fmt, ...)
va_list arg;

BIT gotPcent = 0;
BIT gotEsc = 0;
U8 idx = 0;
U8 ch;
U8 generic *p;


while((ch = fmt[idx]) != '\0') // Until the end of the format string
if(gotPcent) // Parsing a '%'?
isSigned = 0; // Unless made 1 below

switch(ch) // What follows the '%'?
case 'd': // Signed integer?
isSigned = 1; // then set flag to force signed printout

case 'u': // Unsigned int?
wrS16(va_arg(arg, S16)); // Either way, print the integer now

case 's': // String?
p = va_arg(arg, U8 generic *); // Get ptr to this string
while( (ch = *(p++)) != '\0') { putch(ch); } // and print it

case 'x': // Hex
wrHex16(va_arg(arg, U16));

case '%': // Escaped '%'?
putch('%'); // then print '%'
gotPcent = 0; // Done with formatter, clear for next
else if(gotEsc) // Got '\'
switch(ch) // What's next char?
case 'r': putch(0x0D); break; // Print CR
case 'n': putch(0x0A); break; // Print LF
case '\\': putch('\\'); break; // escaped '\' so printf a '\'
gotEsc = 0; // and done with '\'
else // else we're neither handling and escape ('\') or a formatter ('%')
switch(ch) // So what is the next char?
case '%': gotPcent = 1; break; // Its a foramtter.. then process the format
case '\\': gotEsc = 1; break; // It's an escape..
default: putch(ch); // else its printable, do just that
idx++; // Goto next char in format string

// --------------------------------- eof -------------------------------------------

January 21, 2008 - 5:13pm

That's not correct. Try any of the C example that runs in small memory model. You will see that printf always works without any XDATA byte. Let's start with FIB (simple and close to what you show).