Topic : LX-51: KR-51 settings change without Ride IDE

Forum : 8051

Original Post
Post Information Post
January 16, 2008 - 4:16pm

Hi to all,
how can i adjust the KR-51 timer settings (CPU cycles/tick, Dividers - Group1, Dividers - Group2, Dividers - Group3) without using the Ride IDE?
Iam using the SiLabs IDE and would prefer to tell LX51 directly what to do...
Thanks in advance for an answer.


Post Information Post
January 21, 2008 - 4:57pm

RIDE generates (DEF extension) a small object file with the following definitions:
| fc18 | TIM0_INIT
| 0064 | DIVIDE_1
| 000a | DIVIDE_2
| 003c | DIVIDE_3
The easiest way would be to create this file under RIDe, then to add it in you link command line (see the .M51 file of the examples). Another way could be to define thses symbols as "PUBLIC NUMBER" in a specific assembly file.