Forum : ST7/STM8
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May 15, 2007 - 1:14pm
Hi, I want program it, not debug I can program with st9 file? Thanks |
Forum : ST7/STM8
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May 15, 2007 - 1:14pm
Hi, I want program it, not debug I can program with st9 file? Thanks |
The simplest way to do that is to uncheck the "debug" checkbox in the advanced debug options of RIDE. Then, when you start the debug session, ("debug"->"start" or ctrl-D) RIDE will program the device and launch the execution but not debug. But it's not very convenient for mass production.
You can also use the programmation executable, installed with RIDE, called "ST7_pgm.exe". Open a command prompt, launch the program without argument, and it will display the help on how to use it.
But I'm very surprised that the ST72325K6 does not appear in your target list of RFlasher. Are you sure about that? The lists in RIDE and in RFlasher come from the same file. I don't see how they could be different...
Anyways, please check that you are using the latest version of RIDE/RFlasher. (BN746-P1-P2 or BN746-P1-P2-P3) If not, then please download the latest version from our website. I just tested it and the ST72325K6 does appear in RFlasher.
Best Regards,
Thanks a lot for your help!
I go to try "ST7_pgm.exe" tool!
I have re-download the ride and patch 1 and 2.

When I go to change the option byte I see this screen:
I suppose is not problem for program if the micro is 44 or 64 or 32 pin but when I go to Erase the micro I see this:

Thanks again for your help!
I have programmed the micro with St7 Visual Develop.
Tools-->Programmed-->Memory Address-->MyFile.st9
Option Byte-->My oprtion byte.
I have resolve my problem ;-)
I have not understand why Rflasher not delete my micro and not program.
The option byte for LQFP44/SDIP42 are the same of LQFP32/SDIP32, I suppose is not important for Erase my micro.
Thanks a lot. Bye
The option bytes bug you saw is not the source of the problem.
I checked in the internal ST spec and the expected PID for ST72325K6 is indeed 854, not 821. Are you sure that you are not using a prototype? That could explain the problem...
Best Regards,