Topic : RLink Option Bytes

Forum : ST7/STM8

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September 11, 2006 - 5:35pm

I created a GUI app that calls the RLink ST7_PRG .EXE like you would in the DOS prompt. I pass in the uC name and the options bytes. When it gets to the point of downloading the Option bytes, another Windows form opens and ask for confirmation of downloading the selected Option bytes. My question is:

Is there a way to override/pass in an argument so it will not display the confirmation Option byte window?

Post Information Post
September 11, 2006 - 6:11pm


Right now there is no way to disable this prompt, but it is a good suggestion and I can add it as an option. I'll try to find 10 minutes for doing it later this week and then I'll send you a test version.

Best Regards,


September 19, 2006 - 6:29pm


I finally found the 10 minutes... :)

Here is the test version:

Just unzip it and copy the two files in "c:ridebin". Then, run the executable without argument to see the help.

You'll just need to add " F" at the end of your command-line and the prompt should disappear.

Please keep in mind that this is a test version, and therefore it has not been completely tested. Please let me know if you succeed in using it or not.

Best Regards,


January 24, 2007 - 5:22pm

After a few months, I finally found time to test the new .EXE. It worked as you described. Both, old and new, .EXEs seem to not work unless you have the .HEX file in the BIN directory. Did I do something wrong or could you change it to allow other files/locations to be called.

Example: ST72264G2 C:Some Other DirectoryItem.hex 0xFCC7 F

January 24, 2007 - 6:26pm


I suspect the spaces in the directory name.

Have you tried to place the hex file in a directory without spaces?
Have you tried using quotes?

I think that these would work:

st7_pgm ST72264G2 C:\SomeOtherDirectory\Item.hex 0xFCC7 F

st7_pgm ST72264G2 "C:\Some Other Directory\Item.hex" 0xFCC7 F

Please give them a try and let us know if it changes anything.

If it does not, then we'll need more information. Please send us a screenshot like this one: (which shows what I explained just above)

(screenshot not available)

Best Regards,
