Topic : No device

Forum : ST7/STM8

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Post Information Post
March 7, 2008 - 5:45pm

When I create a new project with the "project wizard" at RIDE, I can´t find the device which I´m working with, the microcontroller ST7089B. I tried to choose a similar device (i.e., with same features and pin numbers), but it won´t work.
I think that´s the reason why when I try to program the device I obtain an error message saying: "Wrong device detected: Mismatch of the PID. PID read: 876. PID expected: 875. Please verify target device selection, power and connections."
How should I proceed?

Thanks in advance!
Martin Horst
WEG - Brazil

Post Information Post
March 7, 2008 - 6:23pm
Raisonance Support Team


You need to select the same device in RIDE that you are using on the board. If the device is not in the list in RIDE, then it means that RIDE does not support it. (with very few exceptions, among which the ST7089B is not)

Moreover, I cannot find any reference to the ST7089B on the ST website nor in the specs they sent me. Are you sure you typed it correctly? If yes, please send a link to a spec or doc for this device.

However, it seems like RIDE is able to read a PID, which makes me think that the device you selected is indeed quite similar to the one that is connected. Which device did you select in RIDE?

PID 875, which is what you selected in RIDE, is for ST7LITEUS devices, while PID 876, which is what RIDE reads, is for ST7LITEU0 devices. You can try using the ST7LITEU0 that is closer to your device. (don't create a new project. change the target options of the one you already have)

Best Regards,


March 7, 2008 - 6:45pm

Hello, I forgot to mention is LITE, so, the correct name of the chip is ST7LITE09B.
I selected the device ST7LITEUS5.
I tried to find the device ST7LITE0 in the core selection menu, but it is not there... maybe am I with an older version of the software?

March 10, 2008 - 10:02am
Raisonance Support Team


You should find both ST7LITE09 and ST7LITEU09 in the latest version of RIDE. (that's BN747-P2 if you are using RIDE6)
If you don't, then I suggest you download the upgrade from our website.

Are you sure that your chip is ST7LITE09 and not ST7LITEU09? The 'U' makes a big difference! The PID 0x876 that you read is for ST7LITEU09 devices, while ST7LITE09 devices have a PID of 0x819. Moreover, I see no ST7LITE09B in the list, but I do see some ST7LITEU09B.

Best Regards,


March 12, 2008 - 2:21pm

Hello Vincent,

I´ve downloaded the most recent version of the program at Raisonance site. But, when I try to create a new project withRIDE, and I choose RBuilder to generate the project for me, I obtain an error message: "This derivative STLITEU09 is not supported by ST7LIB!"
How should I proceed?

Thanks four your kindess.

March 13, 2008 - 10:02am
Raisonance Support Team


RBuilder does not support the ST7LITEU09 for now. It should do it in the next version of RIDE.

However, if I remember well, the LiteUS and the LiteU0 are close enough that you can just change the target in a project designed for one to the work with the other. I suggest you look at the examples in "c:\ride\examples\ST7\REva\LiteUS". You need to change the target in the options. It might also work with RBuilder: create a project for LITEUS, and then change the target to LITEU0.

Best Regards,


March 13, 2008 - 1:27pm

thanks four help!

March 13, 2008 - 3:13pm

Hi Vincent,
Just some suggestions for improvements on your next versions of Ride:
For projects with STLITE09, on the "Interrupt Controller" window, it is missing the interrupt controls for "Lite Timer Input Capture" and "Lite Timer RTC1", interrupts that are mentioned on ST7LITEU05 datasheet, on page 32. Could this prevent me of using this interrupt, because I am not able of using that (maybe it is a configuration mistake, I also asking for helo in ST forum).
Another suggestion : when debugging, the windows doesn´t scroll to follow the break points... It would be very useful if the program did that.

Thanks once again!
