Topic : The Ride 7 erase the eeprom area!

Forum : ST7/STM8

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May 30, 2008 - 8:22am

When I download the program to debug with the ride7 and Rlink, The ride7 will always erase the eeprom area (1000h,st7lite49k2).How can I download without erasing 1000h area?

Post Information Post
May 30, 2008 - 10:10am
Raisonance Support Team


For now you have to program the whole chip, including the EEPROM.
I plan to add an option to allow to program only the flash, but I cannot say when I will be able to do it.

I suggest you read the EEPROM back from the device, merge it with the hex file containing the FLASH content that you want to program (you can do that in RFlasher or automatically using some hex-file manipulation tools), and then download the file containing both EEPROM and Flash.

Best Regards,


June 1, 2008 - 9:28am

Dear Vincent:

Thank you for your help!
But, this solution is not fitting my application,.My application is using the EEprom to monitor the position of a motor in real time.
I debug the program, and the data in eeprom vary everytime when I stop the program. So the ride 7 must NOT erase the eeprom area
When I download my applition program.


June 2, 2008 - 12:14pm
Raisonance Support Team


Here is a test version of some RIDE files :

This will add two options: "Erase", which you should check, and "Program EEPROM", which you should uncheck.

I'm waiting for your feedback before I commit the modification for the next official release and apply it to STM8.

(I suggest you save your old files in case there is a problem with the patch)

Best Regards,


June 4, 2008 - 2:07pm

Hi Vincent:
I had installed your test version and tested for my application. it's ok. Thank you for helpping!
There is another bug in your ride7. when I had changed some program, then use , the ride7 display ok, but it is not be writen into flash. Sometime the function of cant'nt work properly , I must use ST7 Visual Programmer to change this option bytes.
Best Regards

June 4, 2008 - 5:14pm
Raisonance Support Team


Thank you for your feedback.

Please give me more information on these problems:

* About the :
Do you recompile the project after modifying the source and before opening the debug options?
Can you send your project to ""? (at least the hex file)

* About the option bytes:
What value are you trying to write and what value was written before that?
How often does it happen?
Can you send your board's schematic to ""? (at least the parts containing ST7 µC, ICC connector, power, clocks and reset)

Best Regards,


September 28, 2009 - 9:18pm

Was the modification implemented in Ride7 for STM8S? I would really need it.

Ride7 version
RKIT-STM8 version

September 29, 2009 - 11:57am
Raisonance Support Team


No, this has not been done for STM8 yet.

If you are in production phase, you can use STM8_pgm, which does allow to erase and program each region independently.

If you are debugging, you'll have to first dump the content of the eeprom to a hex file using STM8_pgm, and then include this hex file in your project, like if it was a source file. Then Ride will erase the eeprom and reprogram whatever was there before, from the hex file.

I hope it helps.

Best Regards,
