Topic : Programming STM8207K6 with Rlink

Forum : ST7/STM8

Original Post
Post Information Post
May 8, 2009 - 7:37pm

I am using the microcontroller STM8S207K6 in a prototype. When trying to write the microcontroller using the RLink options, for the command "Write target FLASH now! ", Ride7 accuses "internal error", but I get erase and dump target.
What can be causing this error?

Best Regards,
Felipe Pizzetta.

Post Information Post
May 11, 2009 - 10:07am
Raisonance Support Team


I will need more information for helping you. (version of Ride, RLink, detailed error message, etc.)

Please fill this form in and send us the answers:

Best Regards,


May 11, 2009 - 3:59pm

Hi Vincent,

Thank you for your fast reply.
I answered the questions and I sent directly for .
The microcontrolador that I am using is STM8207K6.
I am using Ride7, version 7.18.0903 and RKit-STM8 goes Ride7, version 2.16.0903.
I fear that the revision of the firmware of RLink that I am using is provoking the mistake: Rlink Serial number: dngSTD000002303, firmware version 0.0.3.
Internal error is accused when I try to write in the microcontroller.

Best Regards,
Felipe Pizzetta.