Topic : Use Usart on Reva and STM8S208RB

Forum : ST7/STM8

Original Post
Post Information Post
October 5, 2009 - 1:28pm


How to put jumpers to use usart on test programs "CAN_receive" and "CAN_send" ?

How to use these programs ?

Thank you

Post Information Post
October 5, 2009 - 3:12pm
Raisonance Support Team


You do not need any specific jumpers apart from the LED0-7 jumpers (if you want to see the byte values displayed on the REva LEDs) and the POT jumper (to speed up/slow down the messages flow rate).

You need a precise clock: Either solder a 12MHz oscillator on your board, or alternatively you can use the 12MHz signal from the REva board, which is available through a pin named "ICC_12MHz_EN"), this signal shoul dbe connected to the oscillator pin of your processor.

You need one sender and one receiver: That is, 2 interconnected REva boards, or a STM8A Primer+REva.

Interconnection of the REva boards should be done with a twisted pair between the "CAN/SER2" DB-15 male connectors (pins 2 and 9 cross-connected).

You can then play with the program at will.

Note that there are plenty of useful comments in the main.c file, which explains how to use the example.
