Topic : Ride7- Multiple Flash Location,RAM Location Pragma

Forum : ST7/STM8

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Post Information Post
October 22, 2011 - 11:34am

Hello Support Team,

We would like to place the code at different locations (ASW_FLASH, GB_FLASH) and data(Global variables) at different locations at different locations. For example

#Pragram dataseg ="ASW_RAM" /* with in Ram area */
uint8 x;
uint16 z;

#Pragram location ="ASW_FLASH" /* with in some Flash area example 0x8000-0x8fff*/
void main(void)

#Pragram dataseg ="GB_RAM" /* with in Ram area */
uint8 Suces;
uint16 Efort;

#Pragram location ="GB_FLASH" /* with in some Flash area example 0xA000-0xAfff*/
void SUM(void)
How can I give the name for different RAM areas as GB_RAM,ASW_RAM and Different Flash location as GB_FLASH,ASW_FLASH in Ride
Please support

Thanks and Regards,