Topic : STM8_PGM How to program an Eeprom address range

Forum : ST7/STM8

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Post Information Post
June 12, 2014 - 6:54pm

I'm new Using Ride7 and STM8_pgm as well, I did some test using the STVP,
I need to program Option Bytes, and also program the Eerprom and flash,
In STVP, you can choose program and then Address range and appears a popup window that allows to put the address range you wish Star @ and also End @, this is possible using STVP but we need to do this in a production line and I don't see if it's possible to do this using the STM8_pgm.
The IC that I'm trying to program is the STM8S207CB.
Also I don't know if a put STM8_pgm TSTM8S207CB EA PMyhexfile.hex will program flash or Eeprom?
Thank you


Post Information Post
June 18, 2014 - 4:52pm
Raisonance Support Team


The Program (P) command of STM8_pgm will program the flash if your hex file contains data at the addresses where the device has some flash, and it will program the eeprom if the hex file contains data at addresses where the device has some eeprom. Same for the Option Bytes. Of course a single hex file can include data for all regions, and this is the preferred and normal way to do it.

I suggest you take a look at the examples provided with Ride for reference.

Best Regards,
