Topic : RFlasher error "JTAG initialization error (bypass test failed)"

Forum : ARM

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Post Information Post
May 24, 2007 - 6:57pm

We have been using your R-Link JTAG tool for over a year now with no problem. However, today when using the R-Link with RFlasher, it started to give a error that I have not seen before:

"JTAG initialization error (bypass test failed)"

This prevents R-Link from doing any operations: Erasing, Balnk checking all operations are not possible.

I have tried the R-Link with 3 different hardware targets - all of which I know are working - with no change - still the initialization error. A PC reboot has not helped.

Can anyone (at Raisonance) help detail what could cause this fault, and how to fix it. Has the R-Link gone faulty?

Additional information: all targets have ARM 712 micros.

N.B. This is a matter of some true urgency so I will also be contacting Raisonance via e-mail. I will report back anything said in an e-mail that is not repeated here.

Post Information Post
May 24, 2007 - 7:32pm
Raisonance Support Team


I can see two possible explanations for this problem:

1. Your RLink is burned.

2. Your application activates the debug protection, which then prevents the RLink from doing anything.

We must find out which one is happening...

Do you intentionally activate the debug protection in your application?
Do you have a target which you know is blank (on any board, even a demo board) for testing the RLink?
Do you manage to read the RLink Serial Number?
Do you remember performing any "unusual" operation between the last time it worked and the first time it failed? (plugging the wrong power, installing some USB device, installing some software, changing Windows config, changing the application code, etc.)

Best Regards,


May 25, 2007 - 11:16am

Hi VincentC,

Thank you for your very quick response!

I have been busy fault finding on this subject all morning and I believe I have the answer:

I used the R-Link and RFlasher on a different PC and managed to get it to work - however, it was not consistent! One time it would work, the next time round it wouldn't.

As an intermittent fault condition is normally down to poor connections (or at least it is with hindsight :D) I looked for possible poor connection points - and after resoldering the "RLink JTag-ARM" adapter PCB connections I believe my problems have gone away!

So I have one more explanation to add to your list for this type of fault: dry joints on the "RLink JTag-ARM" adapter PCB! Now I have 'beefed' up the solder connections this fault shouldn't re-occur for a while at least.

Thank you again for your very quick response.

Best Regards,

Andy Campbell

May 25, 2007 - 2:00pm
Raisonance Support Team


Thank you for your time and patience.

This information will help us for future support, and if we ever need to make a new version of the ADP, we'll try to make the connections stronger.

Best Regards,
