Topic : RFlasher and STR710FZ1

Forum : ARM

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May 11, 2007 - 8:56pm


We have project with STR710FZ1 and STR710FZ2.
We bought STX-RLink to program this processor in production.
I have seen that it does not do the job.

For debugging we use J-Link from IAR and it works perfectly.

But now we need to program this in production.

Errors that happens:

- erase does not work on marked sectors. only first one is erased
- blank check after erase does not work ( because of previous problem ;))
also I tried to erase one sector at a time. it worked. at least when I read flash and checked some addresses
in each sector if they are erased. But when I run Blank check it returned error that flash section from address 40000000 - 40023FFF is not blank
- after all this I tried to program it any way. After verification I saw that there is error in first section around adress 40000512 and all other sections are blank.

Does any body know how to solve this problem?

Best regards,

Post Information Post
July 23, 2007 - 5:48pm

I am exactly at this same point. We developed with the IAR Embedded workbench and are now looking for a simple production flash tool. Chip used is STR710FZ2

No problem connecting to target (read about having to cut adaptor board pin 17 which makes no difference)

BN746-ST7-ARM-80C51-P1-P2 (No License)
STX-RLink dngStd003001646
Target's IdCode is: 0x3F0F0F0F

With RFlasher (4mhz clock)
Reading takes 166 seconds (regardless of which sectors are checked). Appears to read all sectors.
Verify takes 114 seconds regardless of sectors checked.
Erase termanates properly but performing a blank check returns 'flash is NOT blank'. Reading shows that bank 0 is erased but other banks are not erased.

The RFlasher manual does not say anything explicitly about the sector selection and the GUI looks different than shown in the manuals.

A secondary comment for new users- There is no hardware spec for verifying the jtag header in one's target system is compatible with the Rlink-STX.

Hoping that somebody can set me straight on this - Thanks!

July 24, 2007 - 3:49pm

Hi Oppie & cvs_rv,

If you read the threads I started:
"New STR7_pgm.exe and RFlasher options" (concerning updated STR7_pgm & R-Link programming problems), and
"STR7 and RFlasher error "Wrong boot mode detected" (concerning Erase and Programming problems),

you'll soon see that you're not alone with these problems - I am also following in the footsteps of older threads to my own. I am using the STR712, but I feel these points are still valid for the STR710.

My current understanding of the "I can only erase one sector at a time" issue is that the program you are programming into the ARM (the Bootloader or Main Application) is enabling the watchdog timer as one of it's first job - right? This is important as the R-Link tool takes a little while from reseting the ARM before it takes control of it and stops the programmed code from being run. Naturally if the watchdog timer is enabled, it will reset the ARM sometime in the future - which I believe is in the middle of the failing erase operation.

My reasoning is that if you try to erase a single 8K sector, it is always successful - as the watchdog timer does not have enough time to reset (we set the watchdog timer to the maximum interval - which I think is about 2 seconds if I remember correctly). However, if you try to erase a 64K sector, and then read it back with RFlasher, you can sometimes see that most of the bits have been reset (to 1) but there are still some bits that are 0 - as if the operation was interrupted. I believe this indicates that this issue is definately time related.

To prove this I asked Raisonance (via Vincent) to add an extra bit to the erase and programming operation to firstly clock in (to the ARM core) a "Disable watchdog timer" operation and so stop any possible future resets. However, he is unhappy to perform this change without me proving my theories 100% - which I have not had the time to do yet...

It could be proven by simply removing the enable watchdog timer from the code (as a temporary measure) - or, creating a long enough delay at the beginning of your program (in which the R-Link will take control of the ARM core) before the watchdog timer is enabled. Unfortunately Vincent was unable to tell me (or give a ball-park figure) of how long this delay would have to be - however, as our bootloader has to be transferred from Flash to RAM before it is run, the required time is definately in the milliseconds.

If it can be proven, and Raisonance add this 'Disable watchdog timer' operation, there will be one hell of a cheer!

Hope this helps,
Andy Campbell

July 24, 2007 - 4:30pm

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your work on this. Will check with our programming people on the watchdog issue to see how this figures into the problem (I'm the hardware guy). Without getting into the low level details, it seems pretty strange to take control of a device by way of the JTAG... and not really take control by allowing the watchdog (and who knows what else) funtions to keep running.

Will report back when I get some answers but at present, the Segger J-Link/ J-flash bundle ($650 usd) is looking like a more reasonable route. IAR provides the J-Link as part of their Embedded Workbench tools. HiTex on the other hand, is outrageous at $3395 for their MemTool-UAD2.

Bob Oppenheimer
aka 'Oppie'

July 24, 2007 - 8:53pm

Confirmed with our programming folks, we do NOT use the watchdog timer at present. It is by default disabled and for us should not be a problem. Still will not erase anything but the first sector.

For that matter, I filled the memory buffer for flash (B0F0 - B0F7) with 0x55, set only sector B0S0 check box and programmed it. Sector had previously been erased. Got lots of errors at addresses way above the sector I thought I was programming. There is something major that appears to be wrong. Did I miss someting here?

When reading memory, the confirmation pops up as an independant window and not as part of the window in use. Makes it confusing trying to figure why it is not accepting a new command - because the confirmation dialog is under the rflasher window. happens when doing something useful while the memory is off reading.

July 25, 2007 - 10:59am

Hi Oppie,

Thank you for the feedback... however puzzling it makes this matter! :D My theory now has a large hole in it... thanks alot! ;) I guess this issue is more fundamental than first thought - hopefully Vincent is reading this thread and can give his opinion on this new information... Vincent?

Please say how it goes with the Segger bundle - I'm sure I'm not the only one reading these threads that's interested in your findings on that (if you go for it) - if it gets shown...

Best Regards,
Andy Campbell

July 26, 2007 - 12:43pm

Hi @all,

if you have problems with erase, blank check, programming and verify you should check the Jumper placed on the Rlink2.
For further information look at the RFLASHER program. Select your Device. In the group "Programmer-specific options" you should find a subgroup "Test Connect". Click on the button "View REva jumpers". The descrition for this button is a little bit confusing. A window "RLink jumpers for JTAG" opens and show you how to set the jumpers of the RLink2 to program the JTAG.

Best Regards,

July 26, 2007 - 3:49pm

Thank you for that reply Maheni.
We don't have the RLink2, but rather a fully debugged board of our own that is working with the IAR Embedded workbench (with a Segger JLink usb/jtag pod). It would be more useful if Raisonance would give generic schematic recommendations for hardware connections. this would benefit the rest of us that did not start with a Raisonance eval board :)