Topic : Rlink-Pro with STR750-EVAL

Forum : ARM

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July 25, 2007 - 2:25am

I am running a Raisonance Rlink-Pro with an STR750-EVAL. RIDE says that it cannot make connection with the STR750-EVAL. It is able to get a S/N from the Rlink-Pro. "Check connection to target" gives me the following:

Error during connection to target.

"Dump target FLASH to hex file" gives me the following:

Unable to connect to emulator or target.

Trying to upload my code gives me the following:

Unable to connect to emulator or target.
Unable to start debugging filename.elf!

also I get the messages

Wrong boot mode detected: Unknown mode. Expected: FLASH mode.
CPU is reset.

I note that the unit is in Embedded Flash boot mode, per both the STR750-EVAL's silkscreen and its manual.

Obviously, not having this working is completely detrimental to my project and I will appreciate prompt assistance - thanks.

Post Information Post
July 25, 2007 - 5:34pm

Dear Larry,

can you please answer the questions posted there :
and send me the result by email ?

Thanks and regards,

August 15, 2007 - 8:06pm

Paraphrasing Raisonance's response that resolved the issue:

1. JP13 on the STR750-EVAL must NEVER be fitted with any debugger used with the STR750-EVAL.

2. A problem may come from a program already in FLASH memory that prevents the JTAG clock from working properly. In that case, configure the board to boot in RAM by switching SW1 to position 1. Cycle the board's power to make sure the core is started in RAM mode, then start RFLasher and launch an erase command. Then the board can be put in flash mode again.

(I always power down before changing any switch or jumper settings.)

September 12, 2007 - 1:22am

I'm now working w/prototype, no longer with STR750-EVAL. The following is posted as a public service, I hope.

How to update code on the target PCB during a debug / recompile session:

1. Terminate the debug session, e.g., by typing Ctrl-D.
2. In RFLASHER, push the Erase in the Commands section (lower left). The erase attempt will fail within some 20 or 30 seconds.
3. Simultaneously with RFLASHER activity, you can use RIDE to make whatever code changes, recompile & link.
4. Load code and run it.