Topic : RFlasher for Cortex-M3

Forum : ARM

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February 1, 2008 - 3:19pm

I will use the new Cortex M3 microcontroller from ST for a project and I'm looking for a programmer for production. Is the RFlasher a option for the mass production. Is it possible to send commands by the command line.
Is the Rlink-standard limited for programming or only for debugging (<32k)?

Thank you for help

Post Information Post
February 4, 2008 - 8:14am

Hello Carsten,

RFlasher supports the STM32 family, and is usable for mass-production (some companies already use it as a mass-production programming tool).

In order to get RFlasher you must download a Ride6-based package, most probably RKit-STRx BN747 here.

you can also use a command-line app called cortex_pgm.exe that is already provided with Ride7.

The RLink standard is only limited for debugging, it is fully functional for progamming purposes.


February 4, 2008 - 9:49am

Thank you, Carsten