Topic : RAM size problem with RIDE7 for STR712FR2

Forum : ARM

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May 4, 2008 - 5:45pm


I just starting out with RIDE7 and the Reva board for STR7xx. I have a simple test project with STR712FR2 selected as the processor (which has 64k RAM and 256k flash).

If I declare more than 16k of variables in RAM I get a linker error: e.g. "region RAM overflowed by 48 bytes". Why can't it use the other 48k of RAM?

Also, (I may be totally on the wrong track here, but...) I've noticed that the ".elf.ld" file in the project directory contains:
INCLUDE "D:\Raisonance\Ride\lib\ARM\STR71xFx0_FLASH.ld"
which in turn includes "STR71xFx0_DEF.ld". This defines the RAM as 16k.

Should there not be a different FLASH.ld file (e.g. STR71xFx2_FLASH.ld) which includes "STR71xFx2_DEF.ld" instead? Or is there some other option that I've missed somewhere to enable access to more RAM? I've not tested, but I assume that this also affects code space in flash?

Any help is appreciated!


Post Information Post
May 5, 2008 - 9:49am
Raisonance Support Team


You should uncheck the "Starter kit limit" linker option. (or "16K limit" is you are using an old version of RIDE)

This option is here to generate a link error when your program is too large for being debugged with the standard or REva RLink.
If you uncheck it, you will be able to make programs using the full memory spaces of the device, but since you have a REva RLink, you will not be able to debug these programs. (you can program them if they are in FLASH mode)

You will find more information on this in the GettingStartedARM document.

Best Regards,


May 5, 2008 - 11:13am


Thanks for that! It's working now.
