Topic : Rlink USB driver issues. BAD start with the Reva tools.

Forum : ARM

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May 13, 2008 - 8:32pm

I purchased a Reva 3.3 starter board with embedded Rlink along with an STM32F103R module. I have been unable to successfully connect to the Rlink module on the Reva board. I installed the Ride tool set from the provided CD. On plugging in the Reva board it asks for a driver, I pointed it to the Drivers section in the installed toolchain directory and I get a "The Data Is Invalid" error.

I also tried manually installing the driver with RLinkUSBInstall.exe v01.01, and upon clicking ok, it silently does nothing. No errors, no progress, no visible change. This is all on Windows XP with all latest service packs logged in with administrator priveledges.

There is apparently no place to download an updated driver on the Renaisonance website. I either have a broken CD image or the driver itself is broken. At this point failure on the first step is not boding well for the Renaisonance tools for me. Has anyone had a similar problem? Is there an updated driver or more complete instructions somewhere?


Post Information Post
May 14, 2008 - 9:19am


I am quite surprised because the usb driver of the RLink usely works well and we met problem only with some specific cases under Vista or with 64 bits CPUs.
It also seems that the driver you have is not the latest one which is v7.0.0.

Here is a link to a FAQ about this issue and you will also find there a link to download a recent version of the USB driver.

What I suggest, if you are not sure that the CD you received does not have any problem, is that you download from our website the latest version of our software.

Can you please try this and let us know if it helps.

Best regards,

May 14, 2008 - 8:06pm

I downloaded the RIDE from the website and had the same result.

Here are the steps I took per the RLink USB Driver on Windows Vista and/or 64-bits PC forum post :

1. Plugged in the Reva board and it enumerates as a Raisonance RLINKUSB Dongle under Jungo in the device manager. It has no drivers loaded for it and pops up the usual windows find a driver dialog.
2. I right click the entry in Device manager and click Uninstall. Then I unplugged the Reva board.
3. I attempted to remove the following files with the noted results :
C:\Windows\inf\Windrvr6.* SUCCESS
C:\Windows\inf\RLink*.* SUCCESS
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Windrvr6.* SUCCESS
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RLink*.* NOT_THERE
C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\Windrvr6*.* NOT_THERE
C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\RLink*.* NOT_THERE

I did find and remove these following paths that looked like likely suspects for the filerepository :

The following registry entry was not in my registry :

I could find no VID's of 138E or PIDS of 9000.

I then run the RLINKUSB Install.exe from the latest verson of RIDE I downloaded and I get the same behaviour. On clicking ok, it appears to silently do nothing. I can see the install program exit in the tast manager after about 3-5 seconds. On plugin of the Reva board it enumerates as a Jungo Raisonance RLINKUSB Dongle, but has no driver associated with it and pops up the Search for Driver dialog.

I verified the VID and PID are right in the DEvice manager. It looks like there is a problem with your EXE file copying the proper RLink*.* files to the System32/Drivers directory. Again, it silently does nothing.

May 15, 2008 - 10:22am
Raisonance Support Team


Please clarify one point: What do you do when it "pops up the usual windows find a driver dialog"?
(it's normal that this window pops up the first time you plug the RLink, even when the driver is correctly installed)
Do you cancel it? (you should not)
Do you let it search automatically? (this is what you should do)
Do you make it point to some place manually? (you can do that to go faster or if the automatic search fails)

If you have the files in DRVSTORE, then Windows should be able to find the driver if you ask it to search automatically. Can you please confirm that you tried that or try it now?

Best Regards,


May 15, 2008 - 7:11pm

If I hit the search automatically, it goes off for a minute or two then says Cannot install this hardware with an error message of "The Data Is Invalid".

If I point it to the C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver directory it overwrites the windrv6.sys in the SYSTEM32 directory and has the same problem as above. "The Data Is Invalid". Again, the Rlink*.* drivers have not been copied into System32/Drivers. RLINKUSBInstall.exe is broken. IT silently does nothing. It is not copying the files over.

May 16, 2008 - 10:03am
Raisonance Support Team


RLinkUSBInstall is not supposed to copy the files directly to the System32/Drivers directory. It copies to DriverStore and then Windows is supposed to copy from there to Drivers the first time a RLink is plugged. And it is silent because that is what ST requested. (for including it in other software installation programs) Moreover, the same version you are using (driver V7V / installer V01.01) has worked on many PCs already. Until now it has worked on all XP PCs, though it has failed on some Vista PCs. Therefore, I don't think that it is "broken".

More likely, there is something specific about your system that we did not expect and that we don't handle correctly in the driver itself, not in the driver installer.

So now I will need you to give me more information about your system.
Can you please send me a screenshot of your system properties? (right-click on "my computer" and select "properties")
Please also try to install the driver, until it fails with the "The Data Is Invalid" error, and then send me your setupapi.log file.
You should find this file there:
It is a log file generated by Windows that tracks all the driver installations, succeeded or failed. This should give me more details on what is wrong. If you fear that there might be some confidential data in it, then you can strip it of all the data dated from before the RLink installation test. Edit it in any text editor, and you will see that most messages are dated. You can then remove everything that was done before the aborted RLink installation.

Finally, please note that I am currently completely rewriting the USB driver, and all these problems should be solved with the new version. (and 64-bits Windows too) But I will need a few more weeks for issuing a first beta of this new driver.

Best Regards,


May 16, 2008 - 10:14am
Raisonance Support Team

Hi again,

Here is another test you can do. Please send me the results: (this is basically redoing what RLinkUSBInstall does, from the command line)

1. Open a command prompt and cd to the directory where the RLink driver is. ("C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv" or the place where you downloaded the last version from our ftp)

2. Run this command:
wdreg -inf windrvr6.inf install
This will install the WinDriver core.

3. Run this command:
wdreg -inf RLinkDrv_WDP.inf install
This will link RLink with the WinDriver core.

Please send me the output messages from these two commands.

Best Regards,


May 16, 2008 - 10:32pm

I followed the manual instructions and I still get "The Data Is Invalid" when I let the windows driver installation proceed automatically.

Here is the results of my command session:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver>cd Rlinkdrv

C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 747F-5292

Directory of C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv

05/13/2008 12:14 PM .
05/13/2008 12:14 PM ..
11/17/2005 02:46 PM 337,320 difxapi.dll
04/08/2004 06:34 PM 24,576 drivers_setup.dll
04/08/2004 05:04 PM 1,331,286 RDrvInstall.dll
05/14/2008 11:03 AM 3,836 RLinkDrv_WDP.inf
03/02/2005 04:41 PM 32,768 RLinkUSBInstall.exe
02/28/2007 01:12 PM 44,032 system64.exe
03/21/2005 01:05 PM 61,440 wdlib.dll
02/28/2007 01:28 PM 135,253 wdreg.exe
02/28/2007 01:28 PM 26,063 wdreg16.exe
03/21/2005 01:05 PM 110,592 wd_utils.dll
03/21/2005 01:05 PM 2,504 windrvr6.inf
03/21/2005 01:05 PM 333,620 windrvr6.sys
03/17/2004 02:09 PM 72,817 windrvr6.vxd
13 File(s) 2,516,107 bytes
2 Dir(s) 76,851,638,272 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv>wdreg -inf windrvr6.inf install

WDREG utility v8.11. Build Feb 27 2007 19:00:53
Installing a non-signed driver package
LOG Event: 1, ENTER: DriverPackageInstallA
LOG Event: 1, ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
LOG Event: 1, Looking for Model Section [DeviceList]...
LOG Event: 1, Installing INF file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\windrvr6_E0A6D3F
3E507FE1D92B3850594877AAAE0CE206F\windrvr6.inf" of Type 6.
LOG Event: 1, Looking for Model Section [DeviceList]...
LOG Event: 1, Installing devices with Id "*WINDRVR6" using INF "C:\WINDOWS\syste
LOG Event: 1, Will force install because driver is not better and force flag is
LOG Event: 1, ENTER UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices...
LOG Event: 0, RETURN UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices.
LOG Event: 1, Installation was successful.
LOG Event: 0, Install completed
LOG Event: 0, Installation completed with code 0x0.
LOG Event: 1, RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0x0)
LOG Event: 1, RETURN: DriverPackageInstallA (0x0)
install: completed successfully

C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv>wdreg -inf RlinkDrv_WDP.inf ins
WDREG utility v8.11. Build Feb 27 2007 19:00:53
Installing a non-signed driver package
Device node (hwid:USB\VID_138E&PID_9000): exists and is not configured.
LOG Event: 1, ENTER: DriverPackagePreinstallA
LOG Event: 1, ENTER: DriverPackagePreinstallW
LOG Event: 1, Copied 'RlinkDrv_WDP.inf' to driver store...
LOG Event: 1, Commiting queue...
LOG Event: 1, Copied file: 'C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv\win
drvr6.sys' -> 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\RlinkDrv_W_8679F1CDDC705BCCD2163D0FE
LOG Event: 0, C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv\RlinkDrv_WDP.inf
is preinstalled.
LOG Event: 1, RETURN: DriverPackagePreinstallW (0x0)
LOG Event: 1, RETURN: DriverPackagePreinstallA (0x0)
install: completed successfully

C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv>

May 19, 2008 - 9:50am
Raisonance Support Team


You answered to my second post but not to the first one, which was more important... ;/

What you sent just confirms that the driver installation is OK, but it's the driver itself that has a problem with something on your system.

Please send me your system information and setupapi.log file, as explained in my first post.

Best Regards,


July 28, 2008 - 5:53pm

VincentC, I have the same problem that ereikes had. I using a STM32Circle kit and trying to connect it to Windows XP. I followed the steps that you asked ereikes and the problem persist.

My setupapi.log (spanish, sorry. I'm not in the mood for translating it :-) ):

#-199 Ejecutar "C:\Archivos de programa\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RlinkDrv\wdreg.exe" con la línea de comandos: wdreg -inf RLinkDrv_WDP.inf install
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: usb\vid_138e&pid_9000&rev_0100,usb\vid_138e&pid_9000
#-018 Buscando Id. compatibles: usb\class_00&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_00&subclass_00,usb\class_00
#I022 Encontrado "USB\VID_138E&PID_9000" en c:\windows\system32\drvstore\rlinkdrv_w_ec0d5b81ee464802d749f313399f72e891a091a6\rlinkdrv_wdp.inf; Dispositivo: "RLink USB"; Controlador: "RLink USB"; Proveedor: "Jungo LTD."; Fab: "RAISONANCE S.A."; Nombre de sección:"Install".
#I087 El nodo del controlador no es de confianza. Intervalo cambiado desde 0x00000001 a 0x00008001.
#I023 Sección de instalación actual: [Install.NT]. Rango: 0x00008001. Fecha de controlador efectiva: 04/01/2004.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 El controlador seleccionado se instala desde la sección [Install] in "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\rlinkdrv_w_ec0d5b81ee464802d749f313399f72e891a091a6\rlinkdrv_wdp.inf".
#I320 El GUID de clase del dispositivo se conservará como {C671678C-82C1-43F3-D700-0049433E9A4B}.
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
#I058 Se ha seleccionado el mejor controlador compatible.
#-124 Realizando instalación sólo de copia de "USB\VID_138E&PID_9000\DNGWNYE00001826".
#E360 Se instalará el archivo no asignado o firmado incorrectamente "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\rlinkdrv_w_ec0d5b81ee464802d749f313399f72e891a091a6\rlinkdrv_wdp.inf" para el controlador "RLink USB" (directiva=omitir). Error 1168: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstaladores registrados.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Instalando sección [Install.NT.Interfaces] desde "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\rlinkdrv_w_ec0d5b81ee464802d749f313399f72e891a091a6\rlinkdrv_wdp.inf".
#I054 Se han instalado las interfaces.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Realizando instalación completa de "USB\VID_138E&PID_9000\DNGWNYE00001826".
#E360 Se instalará el archivo no asignado o firmado incorrectamente "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\rlinkdrv_w_ec0d5b81ee464802d749f313399f72e891a091a6\rlinkdrv_wdp.inf" para el controlador "RLink USB" (directiva=omitir). Error 1168: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
#I163 No se ha iniciado el dispositivo. Tiene un problema: 0x0a. CM_PROB_FAILED_START
#I121 La instalación del dispositivo de "USB\VID_138E&PID_9000\DNGWNYE00001826" terminó correctamente.

All lines look right except I163 which states "You have a proble: 0x0a. CM_PROB_FAILED_START"

IMHO there would be a hardware problem. May be DEBUG interface is not working.

July 28, 2008 - 10:27pm

We got it working on another laptop. Never figured out what the driver conflict was on my machine and I have since switched to the Rowley tools.

July 29, 2008 - 10:30am
Raisonance Support Team


This kind of problems is related to some PC setting(s), but we don't know which one(s). We have very little information on it because only a few customers experience it and not all of them send us usefull reports. (they stop helping us when they manage to make it work or when they give up trying)

Rodralez, can you please try it on another PC? That is just to confirm that your hardware is OK. (or not) If it works on another PC, then please send me ( a screenshot of your Windows' system properties. (of the PC on which it fails)

By looking at your setupapi.log extract, I think that the part that you sent corresponds to what was logged during the driver installation. Am I right? If yes, then that just tells me that the driver was successfully registered in Windows, but the device could not start, which is normal because the device was not plugged when you installed the driver. (please look in DriverStore to confirm that the driver has been registered) I would need you to please send me the part that is logged when you plug RLink and try to have it enumerated and linked to the driver by Windows.

Finally, please note that the new version of RIDE contains a new driver for Vista and Vista64. This driver should (according to Microsoft's doc) also work for XP _with_SP2_ and later, altough for now we recommend using the old driver on all XP systems. You might want to download the new version of RIDE and give a try at the new driver. (We do not provide the driver alone for now because the old versions of RIDE will not work with it.) If you want to do that, please download the new version of RIDE (RKit RIDE and RKit ARM) and install it but not the driver. (cancel the driver installer, as it would install the old driver on XP...) Then, go to the 'Driver' directory in RIDE and install this driver: "C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv\MS_WinUSB_XP_Vista\..." (run one of the batch files) You'll also need to uninstall the old driver.

Best Regards,


July 29, 2008 - 9:06pm

VincentC wrote:
Rodralez, can you please try it on another PC? That is just to confirm that your hardware is OK. (or not) If it works on another PC, then please send me ( a screenshot of your Windows' system properties. (of the PC on which it fails).

We tried to install the driver in 4 different PC: 3 with WinXP SP2 and 1 with Win2000. This is why we are pretty sure that the problem is with the DEBUG interface in the STM32Circle Development kit. I'm sending to you 2 screenshots by email.

By looking at your setupapi.log extract, I think that the part that you sent corresponds to what was logged during the driver installation. Am I right?

This is correct.

If yes, then that just tells me that the driver was successfully registered in Windows, but the device could not start, which is normal because the device was not plugged when you installed the driver. (please look in DriverStore to confirm that the driver has been registered) I would need you to please send me the part that is logged when you plug RLink and try to have it enumerated and linked to the driver by Windows.

Finally, please note that the new version of RIDE contains a new driver for Vista and Vista64. This driver should (according to Microsoft's doc) also work for XP _with_SP2_ and later, altough for now we recommend using the old driver on all XP systems. You might want to download the new version of RIDE and give a try at the new driver. (We do not provide the driver alone for now because the old versions of RIDE will not work with it.) If you want to do that, please download the new version of RIDE (RKit RIDE and RKit ARM) and install it but not the driver. (cancel the driver installer, as it would install the old driver on XP...) Then, go to the 'Driver' directory in RIDE and install this driver: "C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv\MS_WinUSB_XP_Vista\..." (run one of the batch files) You'll also need to uninstall the old driver.

I going to tell you the steps that I followed after uninstalling the driver, according to your Howto (

First, I install Raid7 IDE 7.01.0002 and RkitARM for RIDE7 1.03.0003 from the CD deliveried with the Development kit. Right after execution of RLinkUSBInstall.exe from the directory "C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RLinkDrv\" and looking at c:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\ (the directory DriverStore does not exist in my system) I see that a new directory was created:

I was expecting some window saying the installing process was done, but this did not happen. I asume the driver was correctly installed.

Now, I connect the kit through its DEBUG interface to one of my USB Ports. Then I power up the kit and now I can see a new device in the Devices Administrator Window: Jungo -> Rlink. Windows states the device driver is working. That is something new because in my previous installation process the Rlink "device" was showed with a yellow "!" mark on it, tipically when Windows has problems whith a new device driver.

Extract form setupapi.log after installing the driver:

[2008/07/29 13:45:27 2320.749 Driver Install]
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: *windrvr6
#-199 Ejecutar "c:\Archivos de programa\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RlinkDrv\wdreg.exe" con la línea de comandos: wdreg.exe -inf windrvr6.inf -silent install
#I022 Encontrado "*WINDRVR6" en C:\WINDOWS\INF\windrvr6.inf; Dispositivo: "WinDriver"; Controlador: "WinDriver"; Proveedor: "Jungo"; Fab: "Jungo"; Nombre de sección:"DriverInstall".
#I087 El nodo del controlador no es de confianza. Intervalo cambiado desde 0x00000000 a 0x00008000.
#I023 Sección de instalación actual: [DriverInstall.NT]. Rango: 0x00008000. Fecha de controlador efectiva: 03/21/2005.
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: *windrvr6
#I022 Encontrado "*WINDRVR6" en c:\archivos de programa\raisonance\ride\driver\rlinkdrv\windrvr6.inf; Dispositivo: "WinDriver"; Controlador: "WinDriver"; Proveedor: "Jungo"; Fab: "Jungo"; Nombre de sección:"DriverInstall".
#I087 El nodo del controlador no es de confianza. Intervalo cambiado desde 0x00000000 a 0x00008000.
#I023 Sección de instalación actual: [DriverInstall.NT]. Rango: 0x00008000. Fecha de controlador efectiva: 03/21/2005.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 El controlador seleccionado se instala desde la sección [DriverInstall] in "c:\windows\inf\windrvr6.inf".
#I320 El GUID de clase del dispositivo se conservará como {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
#I058 Se ha seleccionado el mejor controlador compatible.
[2008/07/29 13:45:30 2320.1180 Driver Install]
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: *windrvr6
#-199 Ejecutar "c:\Archivos de programa\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RlinkDrv\wdreg.exe" con la línea de comandos: wdreg.exe -inf windrvr6.inf -silent install
#I022 Encontrado "*WINDRVR6" en C:\WINDOWS\INF\windrvr6.inf; Dispositivo: "WinDriver"; Controlador: "WinDriver"; Proveedor: "Jungo"; Fab: "Jungo"; Nombre de sección:"DriverInstall".
#I087 El nodo del controlador no es de confianza. Intervalo cambiado desde 0x00000000 a 0x00008000.
#I023 Sección de instalación actual: [DriverInstall.NT]. Rango: 0x00008000. Fecha de controlador efectiva: 03/21/2005.
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: *windrvr6
#I022 Encontrado "*WINDRVR6" en c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\windrvr6.inf; Dispositivo: "WinDriver"; Controlador: "WinDriver"; Proveedor: "Jungo"; Fab: "Jungo"; Nombre de sección:"DriverInstall".
#I087 El nodo del controlador no es de confianza. Intervalo cambiado desde 0x00000000 a 0x00008000.
#I023 Sección de instalación actual: [DriverInstall.NT]. Rango: 0x00008000. Fecha de controlador efectiva: 03/21/2005.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 El controlador seleccionado se instala desde la sección [DriverInstall] in "c:\windows\inf\windrvr6.inf".
#I320 El GUID de clase del dispositivo se conservará como {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
#I058 Se ha seleccionado el mejor controlador compatible.
[2008/07/29 13:45:31 2320.1294 Driver Install]
#-406 Obteniendo información de recuperación del dispositivo "ROOT\SYSTEM\0002":
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: *windrvr6
#-199 Ejecutar "c:\Archivos de programa\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RlinkDrv\wdreg.exe" con la línea de comandos: wdreg.exe -inf windrvr6.inf -silent install
#I063 El controlador seleccionado se instala desde la sección [DriverInstall] in "c:\windows\inf\windrvr6.inf".
#I320 El GUID de clase del dispositivo se conservará como {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
[2008/07/29 13:45:30 2320.1288]
#-199 Ejecutar "c:\Archivos de programa\Raisonance\Ride\Driver\RlinkDrv\wdreg.exe" con la línea de comandos: wdreg.exe -inf windrvr6.inf -silent install
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
#-019 Buscando Id. de hardware: *windrvr6
#I022 Encontrado "*WINDRVR6" en c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\windrvr6.inf; Dispositivo: "WinDriver"; Controlador: "WinDriver"; Proveedor: "Jungo"; Fab: "Jungo"; Nombre de sección:"DriverInstall".
#I087 El nodo del controlador no es de confianza. Intervalo cambiado desde 0x00000000 a 0x00008000.
#I023 Sección de instalación actual: [DriverInstall.NT]. Rango: 0x00008000. Fecha de controlador efectiva: 03/21/2005.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 El controlador seleccionado se instala desde la sección [DriverInstall] in "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\windrvr6.inf".
#I320 El GUID de clase del dispositivo se conservará como {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Se ha establecido el controlador seleccionado.
#I058 Se ha seleccionado el mejor controlador compatible.
#-124 Realizando instalación sólo de copia de "ROOT\SYSTEM\0002".
#E360 Se instalará el archivo no asignado o firmado incorrectamente "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\windrvr6.inf" para el controlador "WinDriver" (directiva=omitir). Error 1168: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
#-024 Copiando archivo "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\.\windrvr6.sys" a "C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\windrvr6.sys".
#E360 Se instalará el archivo no asignado o firmado incorrectamente "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\.\windrvr6.sys" para el controlador "WinDriver" (directiva=omitir). Error 1168: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstaladores registrados.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Instalando sección [DriverInstall.NT.Interfaces] desde "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\windrvr6.inf".
#I054 Se han instalado las interfaces.
#-166 Función de instalación de dispositivo: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Realizando instalación completa de "ROOT\SYSTEM\0002".
#E360 Se instalará el archivo no asignado o firmado incorrectamente "c:\windows\system32\drvstore\windrvr6_e0a6d3f3e507fe1d92b3850594877aaae0ce206f\windrvr6.inf" para el controlador "WinDriver" (directiva=omitir). Error 1168: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
#I121 La instalación del dispositivo de "ROOT\SYSTEM\0002" terminó correctamente.

Other new thing! When I execute the Restore_Circle_Factory.bat script I get a new error:
 Connecting to Rlink...
          !!! Error 304: Unable to read Rlink Serial Number.

We think the microcontroller which drives the DEBUG Interface is gone at microcontrollers Heaven :) , or at least the firmware into it.

VintentC, what do you think? Any help would be most welcome. If you need more information about my system, let me know.

Best Regards.


July 30, 2008 - 10:33am
Raisonance Support Team

Hi Rodralez,

Thank you for all this information. (I received your email too)

From what I see now, I confirm that the USB driver is correctly installed.

A problem in the RLink firmware is quite unlikely (unlikely but not impossible), because the firmware participates a lot in the enumeration, which succeeded on your system. I will ask you a few more questions and depending on the answers, we will exchange the device or not...

Can you please tell me your RLink's "Device Instance ID"? (open the device manager, view the RLink properties, and in the section "Details", you should see the "Device Instance ID".)

Also, can you try to read the RLink Serial Number using RFlasher7 (which has been added by the RIDE installer in your Start Menu, under section "RAISONANCE Tools") or the debug options in RIDE7?

Finally, I would need a rough list of the USB devices plugged on your PC. (mouse, keyboard, etc...) If there are any USB hubs, I will also need their manufacturer and model name, and the way the other devices are connected. (directly to the PC or through hubs) In the past we have seen problems happening with some hubs but not others...

Best Regards,


July 30, 2008 - 3:42pm

Hi VincentC

VincentC wrote:
Can you please tell me your RLink's "Device Instance ID"? (open the device manager, view the RLink properties, and in the section "Details", you should see the "Device Instance ID".)


Also, can you try to read the RLink Serial Number using RFlasher7 (which has been added by the RIDE installer in your Start Menu, under section "RAISONANCE Tools") or the debug options in RIDE7?

I could not read the serial number. I executed RIDE7-> Rlink Configuration -> Advanced Options -> "Debug options" window -> "Connect to Rlink and read serial number" button. I recevied the "Unable to read Serial Number" window. Jungo -> Rlink device was correct recognised by Windows in Device Manager window through the operation. I am sending to you a screenshot picturing the situation.

Finally, I would need a rough list of the USB devices plugged on your PC. (mouse, keyboard, etc...) If there are any USB hubs, I will also need their manufacturer and model name, and the way the other devices are connected. (directly to the PC or through hubs) In the past we have seen problems happening with some hubs but not others...

I have NOTHING connected to my PC's USB ports except the STM32Circle Development kit through the DEBUG interface.

Best Regards.

PS: excuse my English :)

July 30, 2008 - 5:01pm
Raisonance Support Team


This is a very strange situation: Windows manages to read the serial number (DNGWNYE00001826), which proves that the hardware and firmware of the RLink are running correctly. (to some point at least) But RIDE doesn't manage to read it!

I cannot imagine any hardware or software problem on the RLink that would lead to this 'half-working' situation. So I doubt that changing the device will solve anything. Still, if you want, we can do it...? (that would take a few days) If you do, please send your postal address in an email to , with a link to this post.

For me the most likely source of your problem remains in the USB hardware or USB configuration of your PC. Can you please send me a screenshot of your device manager showing the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" section expanded? That will tell me the name and brand of your PC's internal USB hubs and controllers and then I can see if I have these here for testing.

Do you have any USB development tools installed on your PC? (USB loggers, filters, WinDDK, home-made USB drivers, etc.)

Is your PC a standard configuration from a big company? (DELL, HP, ...) If yes which one?

Best Regards,


July 31, 2008 - 4:40pm

VincentC wrote:
This is a very strange situation: Windows manages to read the serial number (DNGWNYE00001826), which proves that the hardware and firmware of the RLink are running correctly. (to some point at least) But RIDE doesn't manage to read it!

I cannot imagine any hardware or software problem on the RLink that would lead to this 'half-working' situation. So I doubt that changing the device will solve anything. Still, if you want, we can do it...? (that would take a few days) If you do, please send your postal address in an email to , with a link to this post.

Before we try to change the device let me do another test in a different PC.

VincentC wrote:
For me the most likely source of your problem remains in the USB hardware or USB configuration of your PC. Can you please send me a screenshot of your device manager showing the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" section expanded? That will tell me the name and brand of your PC's internal USB hubs and controllers and then I can see if I have these here for testing.

I sent to you the required screenshot. I think is no USB problem because the dev-kit failed to connect in 4 differents PCs. This is why we think the problem is within the device.

Do you have any USB development tools installed on your PC? (USB loggers, filters, WinDDK, home-made USB drivers, etc.)


Is your PC a standard configuration from a big company? (DELL, HP, ...) If yes which one?

No. It is a "generic" PC, no specific brand.

Best regards.

August 1, 2008 - 3:14pm

VintenC, I tested the STM32Circle device in another computer (notebook Toshiba Tecra A6, WinXP SP2) with same result: no communication between PC and device. So I will send you our business address to you for replacing our STM32Circle device. The orange chubby guy is not working :)