Forum : ARM
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June 15, 2009 - 2:16pm
Dear All. I am working on a CAN BUS problem and read on the internet that the solution could be to add a line of code to function : u8 CAN_Init(CAN_InitTypeDef* CAN_InitStruct) change this to: /* Wait the acknowledge */ I have tried to change this in the stm32f10x_can.c file. However, when i apply the change it is not reflected when i compile: e.g. i could also write rubbish in the function but it is not seen by the compiler. I have tried to make clean and then make but this does not help. Best regards from a newbie in ARM. |
The STM32 library is used as a pre-compiled library by our IDE.
So it is needed to recompile the .lib if you want the modification to be seen.
A project is provide in c:\porgram files\raisonance\ride\lib\arm\stm32...
The other solution is to set in the option do not use st library and to add source files from the library in the project.