Topic : SWD with RLink and STM32F103VET6

Forum : ARM

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August 19, 2009 - 8:22am


up to now I used JTAG for programming the STM32. But now I need access to the SPI3. On the STM32F103VET6 this conflicts with some of the JTAG signals. By the other hand it saves board space to use SWD instead of JTAG due to the connector size. So i tried to use SWD. I made an adaptor from the 20-pin RLink connector to a 4 Pin connector on my board (SWD). The connection from RLink to the STM32F103VET6 was made like this:

20-pin JTAG STM32F103VET6
2 (VCC 3,3V) 50 (VDD 3,3V)
20 (GND) 49 (GND)

In Ride I set Debug Option/Protocol to SWD and also powered off and on the target.

If I go to Debug/Start Ride compiles, loads the file into the STM32 and starts debugging. Then it should stop on a breakpoint at the beginning of main(). But I can't see the breakpoint and also the variable state in the watch window is empty. So the debugging don't seems to work. The only reaction I get is the message 'Out of code' in the debug window.

I double checked the wiring of the adaptor. It should be ok so far. But maybe there is any additional wiring neccessary? What's the reason for this strange behaviour and how it can be solved?

Best regards

Post Information Post
August 19, 2009 - 8:34am


problem solved!
I just found this post:

I only forgot to connect the RST. Now it seems to work.

Best reards