Topic : Help! how to start?

Forum : ARM

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September 1, 2010 - 3:35pm

I am begginer with Ride7 and STM32 (I am already familiar with C programming 8bit ucontrolers).
I want to write new test project - simple application with uart (for first step writting to uart "Hello word"). I really dont know what should I do.

Here it is what I have done:

1. installed Ride7 and Rkit-ARM for Ride7. I have also downloaded new Standard Library from ST pages ver 3.3.0 and copied to Raisonance lib\Arm folder
2. I have new project with no files.

What should I do to start:
1. what exactly library files should I add. Add them to project or copy to project ? Which is the best choice ?
2. what exactly header fils should I add (add or copy)
3. what other files should be added to project to bulid application. What files ? Should they by copied to project folder or only added to project.


Post Information Post
September 2, 2010 - 3:13pm
Raisonance Support Team


The easiest is to read the ST documentation that describes how the ST Library should be used.
I don't want to explain here what is nicely described there...


September 6, 2010 - 3:54pm

Wright. If Ride would generate a skeleton project ( like it did once upon a time ) it would be a whole lot easier to get starting tbh.

Anyways, the documentation this really helpful administrator is referring to is in the Ride\lib\ARM\STM32Lib-v312 path ( stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm )

I suggest you take a look at the demo project which is loaded at startup too.

( If you have been working with the STM32 before and need the Systick or NVIC functions, they're not in their respective pheripheral files anymore but in misc.c from the CMSIS library path. )

Oh yeah, if you like using gcc with the -std=c99 flag ( as i do, the standard is more than 10 years old now so it should be fairly stable ) you have to comment out the bool enum declaration in the STM library. Gcc will tell you about it )