Topic : stm32f4 discovery

Forum : ARM

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November 4, 2011 - 7:05pm

Hi All

I have just received an ST Micro stm32R4 discovery board and would be interested in trying this with RIDE 7.

However there area few potential difficulties. Could anyone with experience quickly say whether this will be possible?

1) Can Ride 7 work with STLInk (STLink V2 specifically) or can the RLink somehow be connected to the module?
2) From which version of Ride 7 resp. RKit-ARM is the STM32R4 family supported?
3) Is there a BSP for this module and, if so, from which version?



Post Information Post
November 6, 2011 - 12:31am

Hi Mark.
Here are some answers of your questions regarding Ride7 and STM32F4.
1) No, Ride7 does only support their own programm/debugger called RLink. That is how they keep the IDE free of charge too!
2) Support for the STM32F4 series were added in RKit-ARM (the most recent as for today, 6. november 2011)
3) No there isn't an exact BSP workspace for Ride7, though the new GCC versions supports the STM32F4, so it would just be a matter of importing the StdPeriph Library. Ride7, if enabled of course, will use the proper startup and script file for the processor.

Best Regards
Thomas Jespersen

November 6, 2011 - 12:40am

Hi Thomas


I do have an R-Link but I am wondering whether I can (somehow) connect it to the ST-Micro Discovery board that I have or whether I need to get an evaluation board with JTAG connector to be able to use Ride7.



November 6, 2011 - 12:44am

Dear Mark.
Sure you can connect the R-Link to the Discovery board, you should just use the SWD adapter for the R-Link and then connect it to the appropriate pins on the SWD connector on the Discovery board!


November 6, 2011 - 1:17am


Have you tried this?
The RLink JTAG-SWD adapter has 20 pins and there is a 6 pin SWD connector on the Discovery board.
As I understand it, this is connected to the the ST-Link on the Discovery board (it can be used to debug off-board processors via the ST-Link on the Discovery board). The pins can be connected locally to the processor or disconnected via jumpers.
To connect the R-Link I think that I would need to solder wires directly to the processor's SWD pins and make an adapter connector to the R-Link, which seems to be a bit complicated.



November 6, 2011 - 11:51am

It is true that you can use the onboard ST-Link to program external applications by removing the jumpers.
Though in your case you should just keep the jumpers and don't connect the USB Mini-B to a computer. Then you will be able to use the SWD connector, which contains all the required JTAG pins except for TDI.

This is the pinout of the SWD connector:
Pin 1: Not used
Pin 2: TCK
Pin 3: GND
Pin 4: TMS
Pin 5: NRST
Pin 6: TDO

The TDI pin is located at pin PA15 on header P2 of the Discovery board.

Now you should be able to connect theese pins to the JTAG pins on the SWD adapter.
You also need to connect a +5V power supply, either by connecting the USB Mini-B to a USB Power supply source (NOT A COMPUTER) or by connecting +5V directly to the +5V pin.

Best Regards
Thomas Jespersen

November 7, 2011 - 9:16am
Raisonance Support Team


Thanks Thomas for answering.

I'd just like to add that you can use the SWD protocol with the RLink. So you don't need TDI (and TDO).

See the connectors and JTAG/SWD equivalent signals here:

Best Regards,


November 7, 2011 - 3:48pm


Thanks all for the detailed advice.

At the moment I will use the R-Link with the ST evaluation boards since these have the standard JTAG connector - in case I have to verify on a discovery board it seems to be possible and I woudl follow the advice carefully to build an adapter for it.



December 14, 2011 - 1:40pm

I have bought a STM32F4-Discovery,and I want to debug it by Jlink V8 & keil mdk4.22.Now some troubles come here as follows:
1.Jlink V8 connected the Discovery with SWD interface,and I have taken off the CN3;
2.Jlink GDB SWD have detected the Discovery,and displayed the device ID & model:Cortex-M4;but Jlink commander told me no device connected.
3.Keil MDK's Device Database has no the CPU -STM32F407VG;
how should I do anything to solve these troubles?

December 14, 2011 - 2:02pm
Raisonance Support Team


This forum is about Raisonance tools, but in your description of your problem, you use nothing from us.

The only advice I can give you is to purchase an RLink and use it with Ride instead of using JLink with Keil mdk.
