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February 9, 2013 - 11:29am
Hello I have installed the latest version of tools from the ride site. To try them out I opened the toggle example. Worked fine. CPU is STM32f103 When I try to push the speed up 72mhz I get this. from the line RCC_PLLConfig(RCC_PLLSource_HSE_Div1, RCC_PLLMul_9); //8mHz external oscillator 8mhzx9=72mhz I have done this before with the early versions and it has worked. In the rrc.h header I see:- #ifndef STM32F10X_CL If I put:- How do get the:- Geoff |
Effectively there is a bug in this example.
It will be fixed in the next release. In the mean time you can correct it by yourself.
In the GCC compiler you should define "STM32F10X_MD;USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER" in the Defines field.