Topic : Problem with Macro's

Forum : Ride IDE

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Post Information Post
March 9, 2007 - 8:58am


I tried posting this question under "Other families", but there seems to be no activity there.
Furthermore, this really is a general question regarding macro's.

I happened to use the MA-STC (MRKII), but this should be similar to other processors!

Here goes,

I'm trying to pass a text-string like this to a macro called "print" (listed below):

print    "Hi!!"      ; this works
print    "Hello"    ; this doesn't

For some reason it will only take text-strings 4 characters or shorter. Why is this?
Is there a way to pass longer strings to macro's in RIDE?

Is there an updated reference manual for the Starc core?
I have Rev 01/2000 and it seems like the documentation is incomplete regarding macro syntax.

Listing of print macro:

print MACRO textarg
    LOCAL    temptxt
    LOCAL    nextchar
    LOCAL    start

    jmp    start

temptxt: db    textarg, 13, 10, 0

    mov    R4, #LOW(temptxt)        ; Lower 8bit of address
    mov    R5, #HIGH(temptxt)       ; Upper 6bit of address (2 top bits should be zero)
    and     R5, #00111111b            ; Set top 2 bits to zero
    mov    R3, #Text
    mov    R2, #0FFh                     ; In loop below R2 counts # of characters to send
    mov  @R3, R0      ; These two instructions

    inc    R3              ; could be replaced by "mov @R1+, R0" but R1 is reserved
    isnz   R4             ; R5 contains HIGH address byte and must be incremented
    inc    R5             ; whenever R4 (LOW address byte) wraps around to zero!
    inc    R2
    sz     R0
    jmp   nextchar

    mov   R0, #Text            ; R2 contains # of characters to send
    call    Send_RS232_datagram



Post Information Post
March 9, 2007 - 10:43am

Hi Steinar,

The problem is within the MRK-II assembler only (it has been fixed for the other processors in 1999). The strings in macros used to be limited up to 4 characters. There is nomore limitation. We will send you a fix by email.


March 9, 2007 - 10:57am

Thank you Francis!

It seems that there are other discrepancies in the reference manual regarding macro's.
Do you also have an updated reference manual for the MRKII core?

