Forum : Ride IDE
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May 24, 2007 - 10:09pm
Are there linux drivers for the RLINK? |
Forum : Ride IDE
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May 24, 2007 - 10:09pm
Are there linux drivers for the RLINK? |
sorry but none of our software tools has been ported to the linux platform.
Best regards
Why sorry? Your cost would go up dramatically if you were to support two platforms.
I do not have anything whatsoever aginst Linux, but the constant requests "why do those that only sell a few copies a year not start spending (lots of) money on supporting two platforma' is getting tiresome.
Had Linux been the "widespread" OS I would use Linux, had Acme been the "widespread" OS I would use Acme, had Ralph been the "widespread" OS I would use Ralph, but as Windows happens to be the "widespread" OS I use Windows.
You do make some good points, but there are three "widespread" OS's. Windows, Unix, and Apple. All with their different purposes.
It's not up to you to make business decisions for Raisonance.
I did not make business decisions[b] for anyone I merely described how futile this [b]eternal whine "why do you not make it for my OS" is. The market for tools for small embedded processors is so small that supporting multiple OS just is not economically feasible. Point mt to ANY toolmaker for small embedded that support multiple OS. That even the Linux lovers have had to make their thing run under Windows should make the point even stronger.
PS I dislike Windows as much as anyone, I just happen to be a realist.
You do make a good point yet again. Suppose you are in my shoes:
You have spent millions developing a new system that is maintained with Linux. There are a couple of options that present itself. 1) supply the maintainer with a dual boot system and request that they switch OS's each time they need to reload the embedded processor (one small piece of the overall system) or 2) ask Raisonance if there are compatible drivers for Linux.
I chose to ask raisonance before making the rash decision to require my maintainers to carry dual boot systems.
Just think, Raisonance may have supported Linux if another person in my shoes paid for Linux drivers. Of course, I am chosing option 1.
There is an eternal whine that I hear all of the time, so I do see where you are coming from. Linux users cannot stop hating on Gates. I am neither a Linux or Windows supporter. Frankly, I don't care which operating environment I am in. I can get things done equally as fast in any of the top 3. So, I believe that makes me a realist too.
There are a couple of options that present itself
I believe that you are missing option 3)
many Windows things work on Linux using whine.
excellent idea. I will try it out. Thank you.