Topic : unresolved external symbol and dongle

Forum : Ride IDE

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Post Information Post
December 4, 2007 - 3:26am

im facing this error tried to fix it but still cannot find any solution..
i knw maybe its about link error or whatever but this is only happen when i creat new subroutine and call the function and declare it...
can anybody help me or hv an idea to solve this error

one more thing where i can find dongle for RIDE?

Post Information Post
December 4, 2007 - 9:33am


for the first problem, the easiest way to help is to send me your project (, I will review it and send it back when it works.

About the dongle question, you can contact us directly if you want to purchase a dongle-based license.

Best regards,

December 4, 2007 - 10:56am

hi there, actually is it true i cannot compile my coding without the dongle?
coz i hv one original software with dongle.then i need another one for my other pc.
so shud i buy the dongle only or together with software
i have the raisonance RAC51

December 4, 2007 - 12:38pm

one more if u look at project theres a list of name for .C file
theres a pic like a page. eg ram.c
inside the pic, theres a red dot, what is it means? when i right click at that dot, options theres local options and group options.what is it means?