Forum : Ride IDE
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July 30, 2008 - 12:03pm
Is it possible to have two RLINKs connected to the PC and chose with Ride which one will be used for debug? |
It is possible to use two RLinks with two RIDEs, but it is not possible to choose which RIDE will connect to which RLink for now. (Windows decides, and the way it decides depends on the version of Windows, the service packs and some mystical config parameters that I still haven't figured out)
For now it is not possible to force RIDE to connect to a particular RLink. We are in the process of implementing this feature, but we will need some time before we can make it available.
Until then, here is the workaround:
1. Plug RLink 1 but not RLink 2.
2. Start the debug session in the RIDE1 (the one that should debug RLink 1) and keep it stalled on the main function.
3. Plug RLink2.
4. Start debug session in RIDE2.
5. Now you can debug the two devices at the same time.
That will work, but you have to unplug RLink2 every time you want to restart the session. Also, be careful to use two different RIDE projects, even if your two devices run the same application. RIDE will not manage to handle two instances of the software opening the same project.
Best Regards,