Topic : Ride7 - uninstall problem

Forum : Ride IDE

Original Post
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July 1, 2009 - 3:27pm

Because I have problems with sprintf (see arm forum) in the newest version of ride/rkit I wanted to uninstall it.
Did the following:
1. Hit Ride7_BN46.exe
2. Select "uninstall Ride7 or its components"
3. Make sure both Ride and RKIT is checked
4. hit "Start uninstall"

5. Uninstall runs for a while, when I Get the error message "RKit-ARM does not work properly if you did not install Ride7 IDE, please install Ride7 IDE"

At the end of the uninstall process the installer warns that RKIT can not be installed when Ride is not installed.
When I look in the install dir Rkit files are still there!

I also tried uninstalling using: RKit-Arm -

1. Hit RKit-ARM_BN45.exe
2. Select "uninstall Ride7 or its components"
3. Make sure RKIT is checked
4. hit "Start uninstall"
5. Get the error message "RKit-ARM does not work properly if you did not install Ride7 IDE, please install Ride7 IDE"

I get the same error if I try uninstalling via the control panel.

Installed RIDE7 again and uninstalled RKit first (unselected Ride7 from the uninstall dialog) - That worked better.
After that I selected Ride7 and unistalled..
Only thing left is "actus07.dll"
